Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
On Our Blindness - After John Milton - On His Blindness

When we consider all our freedoms lost
with HA! BE U.S.! Corpus of bush law,
black death to hide the whitewash when p’lice score
’gainst innocence ‘wrong place, wrong time’ star-crossed,

Marlowe’s swain bestows caresses
And promises on shepherdesses.
Clasps of amber, young lambs’ fleeces,
gay gloss of gold, once told, impresses.

? Litotes ?

My verse cannot completely trace
a fair reflection who's soft light
underscores such endless grace.
Dream words, found wanting, seek insight.

Haiku - Alliteration's Dawning Iteration Reiteration

Flamingo flames flare
flair fitfully fashions fey
fanfare fireworks fair

Wishing wonders wander-Swannee signs
As author artist always aired a-musing
Never nasty. Nature nourishing
Dreams dainty, diction dense, distinct, designs

O Tempora! O Mores!

Life's cycle spins
as out and ins
around each other turn
so treat with Time


[c] Jonathan Robin

Sang to M.C. Sonnet Cycle after William Shakespeare: Sonnets Sonnets LXXXI - C

Why will the girls refuse, mamma,
why will the girls refuse?
For every time one turns me down
I throw a fit of blues.

On Sonnet Cxvi - Parody William Shakespeare

True Love cannot change
the object of affection, -

Zoo Blues - Parody T.S. Eliot Macavity

The Lion and the Unicorn

The Lion and the Unicorn were happy, but the Crown
decided that the Lion’s day was done, his house pulled down,

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