Joseph Spence Sr

Joseph Spence Sr Poems

Sensation of Light (Linking Pin Sonnet)

Like a Venus flytrap you swayed in the night
Night raising the mind's trace of soft flowing light

If Only She Could Stay (Linking Pin Sonnet)

She came into my life with a sweet smile
Smile touching my core of existence

Greetings my dearly beloved brothers and sisters. Recently, I was asked by my dear sister Roula Pollard, from Athens, Greece, to write a short prayer for those suffering from coronavirus, their healing, and elimination of the virus. As you know, I am not a person who is short on words. I will use the "TRIP" acronym in this prayer, we discussed it on September 15th and 22nd 2019, in my Sunday messages. As a reminder: "T" is for "Thanksgiving" unto God. "R" is for "Repentance" of all sins. "I" is for "Intercession" for others and "P" is for "Praise" unto God. The prayer she requests follows:

Dear merciful and heavenly God, You said, "Let there be light" and it came to pass immediately. You said "Let us create man in our own image, " and it was done! You took a rib from man, and created woman as man's partner to live in peace, and blessed them to replenished the earth, and it was done! Today we are in Your presence, as humble as we know how. Our petitions we raised to You, giving You thanks foremost, as our Creator, Redeemer, Advocate, and Propitiator of all our sins. We come in repentance for anything we may have done, known or unknown, seen or unseen, asking for Your mercy of forgiveness. Now Lord, we stand in the gap with intercessory prayer, as Your royal priesthood, for those impacted and suffering from coronavirus. Touch them Lord, with Your supreme healing power of mercy, from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet. We are pleading unto You, to remove any, and all traces of stain, illness, or damage caused by coronavirus to the holy temple You created them with, as their earthly bodies.

My sweetest love hearest thou reverently my advice
My advice is to leave now for our home—in paradise.
Paradise blooming with rainbows and tasty red cherries
Cherries, delicious mangoes, and bright sweet berries.

The price we pay for our freedom is not contained in a man's wallet,
Nor is liberty a currency found in a female fancy Gucci pocketbook.

Trilogy Poetry: Intertwining of the Mind, Body, and Soul!

Poetry Form Description: "Trilogy Poetry" proliferates the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and soul ("Three Entities") ! Its essential thesis symbolizes integration, cooperation, and inspiration. The poem is longer than "Lines of Antiquity of Microbes" by Arum Saroyan. It's not less than two regular stanzas forming an octave in poetic notations. It's not as long as the epic Mahabharata, regarding the Kuru Kingdom. It ends with no more than twenty-four lines like a Pantoum poem or Claudette sonnet. The poem may comprise of any imaginative architecture to arrive at its encapsulating end. No requirement exists to use Shakespearean iambic pentameter, interlocking rhyming schemes, or syllabic accentuations. This is just purely down-to-earth and people-centric poetry form. The thesis relates to three entities of either: a person, place, or thing. The corresponding theme should enunciate unity, balancing of vision, and overcoming. There should be incorporated an inference of hindrance, creating tension; thus, requiring self-exploration, leading to clarity and overcoming victoriously on the ensuing journey.

The persona of His Holiness The 14th Dali Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Gendun Chopel
All three delicately rising and uplifting nations with inspirational harmony to tell.
The 14th Dali Lama, an advocate of Buddhism for humanity, displays loving action
Erasing profanity, insanity, inhumanity, brutality, and uplifting compassion.

"… My precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints in the sand, it was when I carried you" (Margaret Fishback Powers) .

"We Shall Overcome" Opposition—Genuinely God's Glorious Gain!

Greetings everyone, and I pray that each of you will overcome this coronavirus pandemic, which has impacted many communities in various ways. The Census Bureau assessment paints an image that's not wonderful regarding job losses. The Small Business Administration stands ready to assist with job loss impact.

One of the most damaging impacts is Landlord-Tenant Relationships. The ban imposed on evictions and home foreclosure across Wisconsin by Governor Evers is now over. You may have the same situation in your state or jurisdiction. Recent actions have resulted in increased evictions by landlords and financial companies against residents. You may have the same actions taking place in your state or jurisdiction.

Inspiring God: 'Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.'
Inter-connectedness of the most gracious Triune Creator of life.
Good Friday to Easter Sunday requires rolling the stone away
Erase death sting with everlasting resurrection uplifting grace.

Professor Joseph S. Spence Sr. created God's Dynamic Steps poetry form on October 3, 2007, while studying English literature, creative writing, poetry, and mythology at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. It is an uplifting poem of grace elevating the persona and aura of a person to reach higher heights in God's grace. One must visualize elevating and moving upward and not downward. The concept is similar to climbing Jacob's Ladder to reach heaven with acts of graciousness and noble deeds pleasing to God. In essence, it represents elevating thoughts of oneself, going up a set of stairs or a ladder to reach higher levels of God's inspirational grace.

The poem begins with a title consisting of five syllables. For example, 'Reaching God Through Steps.' This title is perfect and is illustrated below. The foundation of the poem is the principle of five. Each line of the poem has five syllables moving up with a rhyming sequence. There is a total of five steps moving upward. The poem ends on the fifth step with the rhyming sequence. This final step of five syllables represents reaching a plateau of God's graciousness.

You're an inspiration of God's grace.
It shows all over your smiling face.
Such bewilderment and dynamic amazement
Touching humanity with such ordainment

She is known as Honorable Queen Mother Nanny. The lady was so sweet as sugar candy.
Enhancing the fight, smiling with much delight, knowing her cause was right.
She was the awesomely true Westward Maroon liberation queen in the highest esteem.
Hailing from Ghana's Gold Coast as an Ashanti or Akan—'A free woman! '

If We Must Die:
Author's Synopsis: If We Must Die is dedicated to the memory of Claude McKay, Harlem Renaissance and Jamaican born poet)

My people if we must die:

My People: If We Must Die:
Author's Synopsis: If We Must Die is dedicated to the memory of Claude McKay, Harlem Renaissance and Jamaican born poet)

My people if we must die:

Heavenly Father,
Bless us today as we come before you.
Cast Your light upon us always.
We thank You for Your grace and mercy.

Greetings to each of you my dearly beloved brothers and sisters in God's name. Please read these twenty-one blessings rendered for you in God's grace:

I. May God's love for the new year grant you joy and inspiration overcoming trials and tribulation with patience and prayer. His words state 'Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing in instant prayer' (Roman 12: 11-12) .

Joseph Spence Sr Biography

Dr. Joseph. S. Spence, Sr., is an awesome prolific, worldwide acclaimed award-winning, and best-selling poet. He follows his faith with dedication, and is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is a World Peace Ambassador of Human Justice, and International Diplomacy. His mother taught him how to read, write, interpret, and recite poems in high school, and he has been uplifting worldwide humanity with inspirational words since as an internationally acclaimed award-winning and best-selling poet. He has served in poetic leadership positions, conducted poetry seminars, recitals, and assisted poets around the world with a smiling heart to publish the golden words from the crystal ink of their musing pens. He has authored eight awesome poetry books, and is working on his ninth inspirational poetry book to motivate, uplift, and inspire souls to press forward and achieve the highest heavenly prize established for which they have been called and ordained. He has taken English literature, creative writing and poetry classes at University of Maryland, University College, and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. During his 26-years in the U. S. Army, he wrote poems for his military comrades and was dubbed "Apollo" the Greek god of poetry by them. He has received numerous worldwide awards for his poems, short stories, and researched articles. He was selected as Who's Who in America for years. He was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador by Governor William Clinton, for Arkansas, USA, and resided in Wisconsin. Many have asked about his poetic identify. As a result, he published the following acrostic poem in alliteration style, using a sonnet format as an answer: Joseph Spence, Sr. Acrostic and Alliteration Poem Jumping Jupiter, a jubilant sundae lover, and just a jewel. Oppressed liberator, optimistically captivating; oratorical. Saintly passionate, succulent salmon sampler; sweetheart. Exquisitely enchanting, enchantingly amatorious; éclat. Playful, painstakingly passionate, pajama wearer, patient. Handsomely helpful handyman, harmonizer of happiness. So sensationally super; Sagittarius son of John Spence. Pleasantly personable, and matriarch Maud Spence's son. Enabling, exquisite, eloquent, evolving and enterprising. Naturally nice, no nonsense, and a nutritional nobleman. Carrot consumer, constant comrade and cold-war veteran. Heavenly enlightened, and just an elegant eggnog taster. Sweet as syrup, shining armor off the shelf; savoir-faire. Red-blooded poetry connoisseur and radioactively lovable! © Joseph S. Spence, Sr. All Rights Reserved)

The Best Poem Of Joseph Spence Sr

Sensation Of Light (Linking Pin Sonnet)

Sensation of Light (Linking Pin Sonnet)

Like a Venus flytrap you swayed in the night
Night raising the mind's trace of soft flowing light
Light of fragrance as a sweet rose moves and flows
Flows with sweetness challenging all souls to know
Know such beauty displaying nice charm in style
Style of electric current making hair wild
Wild stretching limbs formed like crystal snow
Snow of sensation shining as stars glow
Glow as there is love shining in hearts for you
You! As the Milky Way flows, we stick like glue
Glue binding time for love to grow and renew
Renew like the sunset mixed with freshen hues
Hues like a Venus flytrap swaying at night
Night, soothing the minds with soft flowing lights!

(c) Joseph S. Spence, Sr., October 17,2019, (Epulaeryu Master)

Joseph Spence Sr Comments

Joseph Spence Sr Quotes

I have climbed up the rough side of many mountains. The most enjoyable view I enjoyed the most was climbing to the top.

Consider the options. Do it right the first time. You may never get the chance again.

The proliferation of goodwill and accord is a great booster to achieving peace, and uplift the essence of life worldwide, anytime and anywhere, instead of bad faith actions done in secrecy!

Material madness, generates choking sensation. Detachment of the mind from worldly possessions, calms the soul!

Beauty so blissful. Awesome aesthetic quality. Glowing like blooming autumn leaves.

Ancestral knowledge. Follow the path of wisdom. Modern era requires flexibility.

Thanksgiving autumn season of grace. Loving reason for family blessings and grace. Inherent beauty from soul to soul!

Always perpetuate treasures of beauty. Inspiring positive thoughts from within. Like the rays of the rising sun!

Always abide in peace, allowing intense negative emotion to die. Erasing mind choking darkness!

Allow harmonious and melodious music, flowing softly like relaxing waves, to erase illusions from the soul!

Avoiding impermanence, brings sunshine into one life. True liberation of the mind, body, and soul!

Meditating light, Reality of love, Sunshiny simple truth.

Meditation allow your garden to grow and flourish, Even from the hardest rock!

A compassionate flower, brings sunshine to each heart, such a wonderful blossom in our lives.

The measure of the test is not who wins the rat race but who endures to the end with grace and appreciation.

Most definitely, coordinate, corroborate, and graduate With an eyeball to eyeball firm handshake of distinction. Eliminate fear with abiding faith!

Get out of the darkness now! Accept the anointing, drink for an overflowing cup, And live in God's light of grace!

Don't get disgusted and busted, with a troubled heart. Face reality, some will be for and against you where you travel. High or low, deep or shallow, wide or narrow. Find the path best for your journey!

Along the path going up the hill—a journey of learning Hindrances await you, some natural while others planted Be yourself, unique, overcome them, and gracefully move on Your state of mind and values—lead the way to the peak!

Self-exploration brings discovery Love doing what you genuinely like with consistency Start and go all the way—don't get stuck Erase doubts and dark clouds with clarity Enjoy the journey, ask for help, find a better way, go all the way!

Mind, body, and soul united as one entity Physically, mentally, emotionally with inner peace Remove one's ego, humanity connecting, and not being selfish Avoid absolutism—the middle path leads the way!

Search yourself and find your passion. Stay in your circle of inspirational competence with emotional stability. Shine your personality for others to follow. Have fun, enjoy yourself, and model your success!

Act like the person you want to be and admire gracefully. Avoid resting our fourth pint of contact, or laurels. Don't cut corners, know the facts, apply them. With your energy and integrity leading the way!

Don't worry about what others think about you. Everyone has their own opinion, which is like a grain of salt. Stay on the move with a competitive advantage. Winners have favors over all others with much enthusiasm and grace. Don't quit or drop out of the race. It's not for rats!

Speaking up assertively is a better choice than staying dumb. Believe me: "Self-expression is a dominate necessity of human nature! " State your case with honesty, brevity, and confidence. Your voice is inspiring and uplifting to others whose lips are zipped. Display your sincere leadership skills with faith and be proud!

Listening skill is a great quality for humanity to possess. Learn to be the last to speak after everyone has their chance. Value your time and effectiveness—not busyness and nosiness. Get enough sleep the night before leading up to the event. Strengthen your position and make it a point to ask the question "Why? ! "

Stop your whining, complaining, and criticizing. No one wants to hear about what is not happening in reality. Inspire moments for success to be enhancing and uplifting to souls. Be consistent and not "Wishy-washy! " Hang clean laundry out to dry in the flowing wind and golden sunshine!

Reality is consciousness; therefore, it makes a blissful awareness. It exists in everything we do and everywhere we travel. Mind, matter, and space are full of such awareness. Please take advantage of it as a higher reality. Don't be disadvantaged by its materialistic world view.

Display connectedness by showing peace, love, and happiness. Allow it to drive out loneliness, depression, and fear. Let comparability grow internally with insight and perception. Erase loneliness and helplessness within with connectivity.

Love is a conscious matter growing and rising from the heart. Its manifestation is an enlightening awareness from within the soul. It blooms for the core of our being and cannot be materialized. It's a higher consciousness of realty with a deeprooted sense of beauty.

When you're searching for what is lost. Always look in the right place to find it even if it's dark. Some will find it easier to look outside than inside. Remember, the light always shines in a darkened room!

Love is a matter resonating from deep inside the heart. It's the core of our being and should not be materialized.

Experience a state of higher consciousness. Substantiate it through meditational validation. Let it lead to realization and awareness. It's intuitional science uplifting the mind, body, and soul!

Let your brain be the creator of your reality of consciousness. Find unconditional love in your essence of life. Allow it to travel to another level of beauty and peace!

Always focus on yourself as the center of your consciousness. Let your aura experience it and be at peace with connectivity. Feel infinite happiness revolving around your persona. Merge into it and become one with the everlasting universe!

Make the core of your being the center of happiness. Be and experience your greatest consciousness. Embrace the realization that greater is in you than in the world!

God said: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you." Only peace and love drive out darkness and hate from the lives of humanity. Violence is always inferior to the nonviolent proliferation of peace and love. Incorporate your consciousness of reality uplift fellowshipping and tranquility universally!

Always be courageous and not nervous. Raise your hand, stand up, wipe the sweat off your brow. Be steady, stop your knees from shaking. Speak up with a clear voice of confidence others want to hear from you!

Don't let others impose their limitations on you. Be with like-minded, supportive, fulfilling, and helpful people. Allow them to help you grow with inspiration. Celebrate your ingenious processing with a smiling face!

Be positive and overcome intimidations from the school-yard bully. Don't try to fit into the mole others have created for you. Cherish your own growth, shedding of skin, changing of leaves. Arise and do it, and declare yourself a winner—not a loser!

Develop and nurture your passion in life. Play real to win, not lose. Take fearless actions. Cleanse yourself of everything, not serve you! Say "Hell Yes, " and avoid "Hell No! "

Fully embodied yourself in positive actions. Sit in the front row and not back. See, hear, listen, grow from getting the most out of your experience. Give your time great taste, don't let your time go to waste!

Always embrace a series of abundant mentality. Ask yourself the obvious question, "What will it take"? ! Don't worry about what others will say—get out of the comfort zone. Remember, "Ask, and it shall be given! "

Some with a false illusion state, "The grass is greener on the other side." Never allow anyone to speak over your life. Only God has the final word. Keep watering your garden and let your grass grow greener and not weathered away. Always plan seeds for growth. Birds with sharp beaks will be there just waiting. Don't be discouraged. Their beaks are outnumbered by the seeds you plant!

Be clear, state your objectives, always follow-up, and follow-through. Use your entire arsenal of being to proliferate continuous action. Activate your passion with sincere acuity in the moment and time. Energize your senses for maximum performance and success!

Always take time out for rejuvenation and redirection. Inquire as you move along the path. There is no one best way. Different paths—different solutions. Refinement is a constant process of growth for better results!

Create your environment from your best innate tenacity. Always embrace the abundance of an inspirational mentality. Eliminate distractions, clutter, and work from a place of brightness. Create a winning, uplifting, vibrant, courageous action to implement!

Write your script with the most adventurous characters imaginable. Tell others, get out your comfort zone, don't worry about what they may say. Question your own action, presentation, use all of your inspiring stickers. Ask what it will take? The implement it to be victorious!

Consider your time valuable and manage it effectively and efficiently. Don't waste it. Produce high-quality products that will inspire others. Make it a point of duty to add value to your work during the progress. Don't settle to less; make it your best, strive to win the test!

Move forward in faith and convince others to join with you. Avoid the supermarket mentality, "There is bread on the shelves, they will come." Find people who will benefit and help to solve their problems!

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