her smile is like an angels wings
flapping while the angel sings
her smile will always show
watching your love continue to grow
you never expect these words to come out my mouth.
slurs come out as a whisper but to you they shout.
only you and I can understand what this conflict is truly about.
your mind tries to stand firm as a blade of grass in a tornado of doubt.
I see the face of a broken child.
A child who has seen more than his young eyes should.
I see the face of a broken child.
A child who would run away from it all if he could.
Explosive emotions, drifting thoughts
Seeming so wrong, battles I've fought
Energy spent, from a soul filled with pain
Here comes windy storms, here comes the rain
I've Been thinking about you all night long,
So I thought I'd write you a little love song.
You're the sun, stars and moon in my eye,
I want us to be one forever til we die.
When your heart turns cold
it causes your soul to freeze
It spreads throughout your spirit
like a ruthless feeling disease
I know that feelin when it feel like nobody care
When you goin through your problems it seems like nobody there
I started question myself, If God really care
Sometimes I cut off all the lights in the room and stare
I hear the doctor standing over me
screaming I can make it
Got a body full of bullet holes laying here naked
Still I, can't breathe, somethings evil in my IV
If in my quest to achieve my goals
I stumble or crumble and lose my soul
Those that knew me would easily co-sign
There was never a life as hard as mine
Everything that has a begining, has an end
Nothing can last foreverr, everything decends
Breathing stops, eyes close shut
Lips go cold, you're out of luck
How I feel is hard to explain
too many thoughts always
racing through my brain.
Sometimes I feel mental-
You know it was your destiny,
For you to find me.
And yes its true,
Mine was to find you.
come closer and I'll pull the trigger
dare you to ask me why my pupils are bigger
you filled my head with all this stress
come closer and you'll have to clean up my mess
All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together, to never be apart.
No one else in the world can even compare,
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.
If tomorrow starts without me,
and I'm not there to see,
if the sun should rise and find your eyes
all filled with tears for me;
I feel light touching me
but is it from heaven or Hell?
What is this I think I see
my heart truly cannot tell
Against an attacker I will boldly take my stand
because my heart will show fear for no man
but for a broken heart I run with fright
scared to be blind in a vulnerable night
you are the omega of my heart
the foundation of my conception of love
when i think of what a woman should be
its you that i first think of
Today is filled with anger
fueled with hidden hate
scared of being outcast
afraid of common fate
come here hold me tight cause i dont know wat to write
but a poem comes to mind whenever your in site
because my heart is all dark and your smile is its only light
i made alot of wrongs in my life but loving you is always right
Her Smile
her smile is like an angels wings
flapping while the angel sings
her smile will always show
watching your love continue to grow
her smile is worth a lifetime to see
even if its not cause of me
her smile has given a lot of care
just because it was there
her smile fills you with the ambition
to make her joy your mission
her smile will leave you hallucinating
knowing that you and her should be dating
her smile can cause so much pain
since you might not see it again
her smile is kind of like your smile
but i don't know i haven't seen it in a while
' That girl! ' What an interesting description of a lover, it is indeed touching and emotional. I love it.Ganbatte! (keep up the good work!)