Say, Valiant,
Say: High is my head!
Looking at my head
Is cast down the great Himalayan peak!
I sing the song
of equality;
In my view gender difference
is essentially a triviality.
My eyes don't go by forbidding;
so does my mind
neither by forbidding nor by weeping.
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!
From Allah comes today
Rahmat, Kauthar.
Dear! Wilt thou remember me in thy new home?
There dost thou begin the world under
new auspices with new offerings
Deserted is now the leafy cottage;
How can I adorn her,
With one basketful of flowers?
The sky is overcast
With her dishevelled
Brother Kemal, the desperate son of a frenzied mother
Has gone furious; so the devils' dens are full of hue and cry
Looking for self-protection everywhere;
Kemal, what a wonder you've worked!
I have been caught in your love's snare, my eternal husband
Peace eludes me everywhere because of you.
Allah is my Lord. I fear no one.
Muhammad is our prophet.
Throughout the world his praise is sung.
All praise to Allah, all glory to Him.
Let peace prevail and equality win,
let truth reign supreme,
let all unhappiness and misery,