Kewayne Wadley Poems

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Princess Trapped In The Glass Bottle

To the princess trapped in the glass bottle.
Take a few steps back, I'm going to bust the glass and catch you before you fall.
If all else fails, at least we'll have this memory to stand above all else.
I've walked passed you once before,

Blah Blah Blah, Yada Yada Yada

The rumors are true,
Nighttime crowds, hand stuffed hoodies.
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada.
V neck t-shirts with decals printed on the back of them.

Thunder And Lightening

It was hard to forget her
Especially on overcast days.
The spots we stood, eavesdropping in the clouds where she came the hardest.
The quiver sent through her spine constituting the lightening that left her paralyzed.

Random Confession Of An Goofy Romantic

I was goofy in love,
That sort of sarcastic your ugly but I need you type of love.
That lounge around in underwear all day not afraid to be myself love.
In all seriousness, I wore nothing but her.

Socks Or Suspenders

Sometimes, things wear out.
Creating holes and gaps often complicating the simplest of things.
Sometimes love is a lot like socks.
Some are long, some are short.


Strength can be found all around us. No matter how high or how low.
There is always something there that reminds us of what we are truly capable of.
Always promise yourself to be the shield that deflects the storm.
Guarding your body, your mind.

Bus Ride

I don't want to leave you,
But in order to better myself I'm afraid I have to.
Mama told me that it'll be days like this.
Daddy told me to learn from everyone you meet.

Ghoul Asylum

In a brutal attempt to regain control of myself,
I locked myself in a asylum with nothing but a picture of you.
A source of some kind of help was needed, arguing back and forth with my former self
That this part of me must die.

Happily Obliged

She closed her eyes and dipped herself in a bowl of chocolate.
Tempting my sweet tooth at it's very mercy.
Choosing to ignore my selfish tooth I indulged in the very thought.
What was joy without pain,

Her Mirror

I want to know what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror.
Especially on the bad days.
Even then, If you don't feel like getting out of bed.
I'll be your mirror.

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