Kewayne Wadley Poems

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Shadow Boxing

Under the thick of loves thumb
I found a boxing glove
Short of that I found a bruise
Trying it on, following an angular shadow

Other Side

Love, if your there
I'm knocking, peeping through the opposite side of the peephole.
Love, you are everything I've ever wanted
Champagne glasses splashed together in laughter

The Wolf

She has this urge that makes her open her mouth and howl,
This undoubtible urge that cannot be ignored.
She cannot express it, this desire that comes as an howl
A kind of war that screams in peace, isolated from everything she knew.

Travel Size

This morning I craved the taste of coffee,
Today of all days, running late to work constantly eying the clock
It really wasn't the coffee that I craved tasting my lips
Perhaps the aroma, that sweet smell swirling around the bottom of the cup until full.

That Random Dude In Horror Movies

When I first saw her I wondered the reason for her stare.
Nothing out of the ordinary but after a while you know, self conscious thoughts kick in.
Is there something on my shirt, does she notice how big my head really is.
Do I have a booger that popped out to say hi.

Food For Thought

In the spur of conversation
She asked if there was anything I wanted to know
Removing her head and placing it under an can opener
Insisting that I push the leaver down,

Backwards Hoodie

To my surprise I got a call from a friend I haven't heard from in a long time,
Ecstatic, I was filled with instant delight.
Before I could say another word
she told me that she had a gift for me that in the utmost urgency I had to come get it.

5 More Minutes

Upon reading, I still quite didn't understand.
Not until applying my own definition.
Even today she's meek, humble.
Once a dream, I woke to find her gone

Ghosts And Tequila

I've missed you, thinking of days past.
I couldn't escape utter silence.
I intentionally revoked certain knowledge, standing on the steps of an haunted house.
A paper skeleton hung from the door, a ghost of broken promise.


Of all things,
She opened my mouth and built a bridge only we knew existed.
She arranged pillar upon pillar
Of steel beams.

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