King Crow

King Crow Poems

I awoke upstairs and you weren't there
I threw on my shorts and went downstairs
Making me some coffee in your underwear
Your back was turned and shoulders bare

I don't get a boner anymore when we kiss
It's one of those things you forget you miss
Until you're sitting alone drinking your coffee
Wondering why you're so God damn unhappy

You told me to Go to Hell
And walked out of my life
Said you never loved me
You love to twist the knife

Been building a big rocket in my backyard
The neighbors are all calling me a retard
I don't give a damn if they think I'm a loon
I'm going up there and blow up the Moon

I stare at the ceiling and watch the fan spin
Thoughts of you like always come creeping in
Sounds of your laughter echo through my head
It's just the sad remnants of a love that is dead

When our love sprouted that late September
It was a surprise to us both, can you remember
Growing and growing and getting stronger
Times that we talked getting longer and longer

I saw the young couple in an old photograph
He was saying something, she in mid laugh
He's making a gesture her hand's on his thigh
You see that she loves him, that he is her guy

Why must I live in a world like this
Didn't you say that ignorance is bliss
Another thing that I don't understand
How do you riot with a phone in your hand

I found my shirt you always wore
In back of the closet balled up on the floor
Held it to my nose and breathed deep in
Closed my eyes and saw you again

King Crow Biography

I was born a free former but now I live to rhyme)

The Best Poem Of King Crow

Coffee Break

I awoke upstairs and you weren't there
I threw on my shorts and went downstairs
Making me some coffee in your underwear
Your back was turned and shoulders bare
The sunlight was shining on your brown hair
You were a vision of loveliness I do declare

You knew I was there but you stood in place
Your head bowed down with a grin on your face
Waiting so patiently for my loving embrace
My arms around you one hand on your waist
Turning you around till we were face to face
Then kissing you deep our fingers interlaced

Then you climbed up on me like I was a tree
Put your legs around and started to squeeze
Back to the wall my arms under your knees
You slide back down and I push it in deep
When we're through we're on the floor in a heap
Third time today you've tried to make coffee

King Crow Comments

Falling Star 09 November 2019

They say poetry is a gift That there is a poet in everyone No poem is a laboured task No poem is the perfect one But then I read your poems Your words conjure a scene And the rhymes flow so easy Parts reveal where you've been No not every poet is made equal Not everyone can express Can put words down on paper And that's why you're the best So keep writing King Crow Don't ever put that quil to rest

1 2 Reply
Fruit Loop 05 November 2019

I luv crows they're a reflection of all humanity.

1 2 Reply
Pegasus 31 October 2019

You are a great poet.

1 2 Reply
Chuy Amante 25 September 2019

rock star of written love and you are melting the women- heck of a hex rockin' the chakras the red thru yellow keep it up, you smoke it, never be mellow

2 8 Reply

King Crow Quotes

Life goes on, long after the thrill of living has gone.

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