Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Softly Touch Me

Softly touch me...
With your hands now warm but once so cold.
Softly touch me,
And understand...

Too Familiar Stitch

There are people everyday,
Who make false claims.
Putting the blame for something done,
On someone else.

Am I 'That'?

Am I 'that'?
That which has expressed my purpose?
Flaunted and yet,
Kept introspective.

One Person Can Live Alone

Two people can live under one roof,
Sleep in the same bed.
And produce a house full of children...
To 'still' claim after many years,

Fresh Entrances

I am trying to find a way to restart.
Somewhere to begin to say
What is in my heart,
Right now.

All I Want For Christmas

All I want for Christmas,
Is my dignity.
My dignity,
You took from me!

Familiar With The Setting

I was not raised on islands of enchantment.
Nor do I know anyone who drives a Bentley,
And lives in a mansion!

My Worth I Already Know

I am not one so quick
To pass my friendship around.
Or solicit acceptance
From those with frowns.

Address That Any Way You Wish

Here is the envelope,
You pressured me to get!
And no more from me,
Do you get to lick.

I Don'T Want To Go

You know I don't love you,
But you made up in your mind I can not go!
And, you won't let me go.

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