Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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To Do This Effectively

Being accustomed to listening,
Has unlimited advantages that come.
When comprehension is given utmost priority,
Understanding offers to anyone a valued benefit.

That Wouldn'T Work

We must prevent,
The increase of insanity...
Noticably effecting,
Values and standards...

Too Clear

Why don't I care,
Like you think I should?
Did you just ask me that?

Not Up For Debate To Validate

The one thing I most enjoy about being a writer/poet,
With a devotion I know I will stay committed...
To being as honest as possible to my observations,
As they affect my personal feelings and sentiments...

With It Done

It's too late for one to hide from lies,
With it done.
It's too late to change a fake belief,
Since with it done...

Peace Has Packed On A Fast Track And Gone

Sad attacks are stacking to leave nerves on all backs.
With increasing sickness shown unmasking this as a fact,
Sad attacks are stacking to leave nerves on all backs.

Skewed Ideals Accepted

And pushed beyond disrespecting limits...
Are difficult to change,
For those whose minds have been deranged.
With declarations not to self-examine,

Confused By The Process Of It

Many don't listen because they refuse to.
Others are confused by the process of it.
Since some believe when their mouths are open,
Their ears are only used to hear themselves speak.

Too Incredible To Be Believed

Does a taking an opportunity to escape,
From reality on a daily basis...
Make the effectiveness of it diminish,
As to not to exist?

Sanity Is Threatened To Succumb

Maybe today...
It's better off to be declared crazy.
And allow this to be done.
Maybe today...

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