Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Wait one minute.
I must file a tax return,
'Before' I am stimulated
By a package.

Penny For My Thoughts?

Penny for my thoughts?
Those are ten dollars a pop now!
And IF you want me to make sense...
Add an extra 15 dollars for the effort.


There were times I was made to feel uncomfortable
Because I dared to be me and declare who I am.
And I did not have to go anywhere to do that.
Wherever I went...

Moral Fiber

Moral fiber?
Those self righteous,
Profess to know what that is.
They are quick to identify who does not have it.

Immaculate Myths

We all have been seduced to perceive...
A virginity preserved,
After the act of sex should be believed.
Indignities are shared,

Each Moment In Prayer And Faith

I am not seeking interpretations...
Of how I see 'it',
This life I have that is mine.
Nor am I here to convince,

Nothing But Love

My love is not an imitation of it.
Or is it an impression I lifted.
It is what it is!
Whether you accept or leave it alone.

Some Accept. Some Reject.

Life presents to us challenges.
Some accept.
Some reject.
Others believe they can be put on hold,

Those Who Find No Problem Telling It

People are not accustomed,
To hearing the truth.
Only varying versions of it told.
And when someone is bold enough,

The Magic Of Racism

It hides the facts,
And exposes insecurities.
With a remorse,
No one is willing to admit or take back.

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