Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Perceptions Have Been Diseased

Every aspect of their existence,
Has been based upon their love...
For sustained and maintained violence.
And choose they do those weak to oppress.

You Didn'T Pay Me

I may choose to tell someone,
I suspect is a gossip...
And with it done to quickly know,

In Limited Quantity

Not taking the opportunity or the initiative,
To effectively place one's footsteps...
In a direction that reflects,
A keeping of one's identity in perspective...

Sugar Cubes

To know how lowdown people will go,
With self-centeredness on their minds to please...
Has to be witnessed.
The depths of deception once observed in process,

Blessings I Received

I've come to realize,
My own pride and dignity...
I should protect.
And I have come to not expect,

Breaking Their Backs

Only fools, morons and fun loving idiots,
Will come together to destroy...
Events leading to progress,
By those breaking their backs with effort taken.

A Job God Has Already Done

Those shades of skin,
Prioritized by next of kin.
And the ones who use color,
To address insecurities they defend...

Wicked Intentions

Obtained success,
Is not achieved without receiving threats.
And it does not matter to those envious,
What had been sacrificed or the time spent...

With The Deepest Of Respect

Why is it you wish to convince others,
That I should be held responsible...
And accountable for your ignorance.
When I did everything possible,

Gone Is The Sting

Too many have found themselves,
Behind times that have moved on.
Gone is the sting,
Of protesting against the obvious.

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