Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Discovered As Delicious

Many have a need to cling...
Like a fruit maturing,
That has of yet been picked.
And sits with a grip,

Topped With A Frosting

We do things that are loved.
People and others like myself,
Who have within them...
Something loved they do.

I Just Feel So 'Equally' Patriotic

Many movements ago...
When the land seemed active,
With reactive participation.
Weed puffed and flowers worn in the hair,

Twice Becomes A Habit

Doing what we please.
With the selling of our embellishments.
Has come under much scrutiny.
And a call to be precise...

What They 'see'...Is Ez

Some folks are just not cut out...
To do what they perceive,
To be as easy as they believe.

False Pride

It's not about the rhythm that you keep.
Or the way that you pat your feet to the beat.
It's all about the moving that you do,
When you get to grooving.

No Longer A Consideration

I've done the best I could.
And I tried inside to keep this denied.
But I can no longer hold myself responsible,
For your ignorance.

Basking In The Glow

When one's life has been spent self indulged...
Do you think they have discussions,
About someone who has sacrificed their needs?

I'M New At This

A robust return to a 'then' that has diminished...
Complete with backyard barbecues,
And Sun drenched bathers.
Sitting along the family pool,

Just Not Equipped

The only case they have,
Should be a 'suitcase'.
Packed and ready to carry.
And/or dragged behind them.

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