Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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To Solicit With A Petition

Did you not choose selectively...
Your champions,
At the onset of the race?
And did you not confirm this again and again,

The 'N' Word

The narrative and the pain associated,
Has not been experienced...
By those who can not relate.
And the narrative in debates wont change it.

Ammuned To Being Appalled

Is there a cultural and racial divide,
That has been as wide,
As any gap witnessed in canyons...
With a depth that is noticed,

It Is The Culture That Feeds, Permits And Defines

To lay blame on another,
Is part of the culture.
Very few will admit that sat,
They resolved their own problems...

Nothing We Say Or Do Goes Unheard

Pray to ask for clarity to come.
Be thankful in your doing of this,
Since nothing that we say or do...
Goes unheard to be dismissed.

Stranded On The Sahara Desert

'What's the matter?
What 'is' on your mind? '

I am happy.

Be Positive

'No matter what the others do,
Be and think positive...
If only for you.'

I'D Rather Be Loved

I'd rather be loved,
Than to be painted...
As somebody that I aint,
To then be tainted.

Remember The 'Old' Days?

Remember the 'old' days,
When attempts were not made...
To manipulate legitimacy.
And people did deeds with merit,

Women Raising Their Boys

Women raising their boys,
And alone.
Do it with the expectation,
A teaching them to be fathers...

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