Lee Geoghegan

Lee Geoghegan Poems

Dawn has arrived, rays of gold split the night
The sweet rhythm of birdsong, a morning delight
Wings all aflutter with colours so bright
A gift to the beholder, such a wholesome sight

I can recall another lifetime, one where I could fly
Gazing down upon the earth, moonlight glinting in my eye
A king among the stars with a piercing call that could terrify
I was once a mighty falcon, a raptor of the sky


It's winter in the year twenty-eighty-four
Hell has landed on every shore
Devilish eyes aglow as they rose to dominate
People now captive to a totalitarian state

I walk alone on a misty winter morn
Through fields of brilliant white, which they now beautifully adorn
Clumps of frozen grass scrunching stiffly underfoot
This crisp winter chill, ever so sharply does it cut

Casting my mind back many a year
To childhood days spent catching bees
Those long gone memories do bring a tear
Playing with friends in the summer breeze

I linger sadly upon this earthly realm
Reminiscing of a life with you at the helm
You've left for heaven, where I long to be
I yearn to follow; leave a light on for me

I'm finally broken by this world of lies
I've had enough of this place, time to say my goodbyes
Screaming to the sky, I weep and I cry
I don't deserve this wretched life, why oh why?

The utter splendour of garden life
Encompassed by nature, calm and serene
A sanctuary away from all that strife
What a pleasure it has been!

Spring arrived, ‘Twas the dawn of man
Consciousness exploded with a Big Bang
We foraged inquisitively for berries and nuts
Soon building settlements and primitive huts

Heed this call, my son, for my heavenly realm awaits
Familiar faces wait patiently beyond the gates
You stated proudly that you've lived your dream
Your wife was your river, and children your stream

Humanity still struggles to comprehend
That all life on earth is for us to tend
We must cease our pillaging of this great land
Instead, care for all life as it was planned

Awoken before dawn by rooster call
To greet the day from my rocking chair
‘Twas the purest morning of them all
Something special filled the air

The heart's core, life's tapestry
My very essence, woven as I've grown
A vault of treasured memories
Echoing through my blood and bone

We dream of blue skies and glacial clear waters
Fields lush and green for miles to be seen
A world befitting our sons and daughters
Sadly, it has been ravaged, pillaged and made carelessly unclean

Born to a land unspoiled and free
The mighty sequoia was on the ascendancy
Ancient elders stood erect and proud
Free from threats to pierce a cloud

Born in December on a cold winter's day
I was baptised a Christian without any say
My life given direction before I could walk
A school then chosen before I could talk

The city is littered with broken souls
To reside among nature, the purest of goals
Some dream of vast fields of green
Deep in their minds, a vivid scene

That very first moment, your personality shone bright
I still vividly recall how I felt that night
That big beaming smile that you wear so well
From that moment on, you had me under your spell

Another comforting nightmare
My oldest and dearest friend
Into the dark abyss, I solemnly stare
Ushering in the end

Upon death, I'm soaring to the stars
Bearing all the hurt and the scars
Of a life I've suddenly left behind
Wonderful memories, many treasures to find

Lee Geoghegan Biography

Lee Geoghegan holds an honours bachelor degree in horticulture, He has always had a keen interest in plants and wildlife, He finds it extremely relaxing when he is working in his greenhouse at his local allotment site. His poem entitled ‘Beautiful Day' depicts how he gazes upon nature and how the natural world resonates so deeply within his heart. Lee has always enjoyed poetry, his favourite poem has always been The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W.B Yeats, the poem paints a vivid picture of tranquility for him and resonates deeply. Lee is currently working on various projects and his ambition is to become a talented and respected poet.)

The Best Poem Of Lee Geoghegan

Beautiful Day

Dawn has arrived, rays of gold split the night
The sweet rhythm of birdsong, a morning delight
Wings all aflutter with colours so bright
A gift to the beholder, such a wholesome sight

Sunlight sparkles like diamonds, glittering upon a winding stream
Morning dew blankets the lush meadow grass
Bees buzzing cheerfully as they work for the team
Nature painting upon its canvas, the most supreme colour scheme

Two brilliant white swans glide upon a still lake
Together they drift, majestic and carefree
Breaking the mirrored surface, a delicate trail in their wake
A special partnership neither will ever forsake

Faces of smiling children as they run and play
A morning adventure awaits, an inquisitive foray
So many possibilities to mould like clay
Into the forest they go to seize the day

Young lovers lay cradled amongst fields of gold
Sharing a love so pure, each other's hand they hold
Gazing in utter bliss at the blue sky above
Two souls intertwined, forever in love

Dusk is upon us, the day retiring to night
The blazing sun has subsided to a subtle twilight
Life hunkers down with a sense of dismay
Darkness soon to fall, to conquer the day

Flowers succumb to the night, to bloom again soon
Petals they close under the light of the moon
A brand new day only a moment away
A signal of rebirth from the cold night decay

A glorious golden sun is on the cusp of arise
Its warming light, the ultimate prize
Creatures great and small cease their solemn cries
For a new day has dawned, ready to rejuvenate, replenish and revitalise

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