Winter Wonderland Poem by Lee Geoghegan

Winter Wonderland

Rating: 5.0

I walk alone on a misty winter morn
Through fields of brilliant white, which they now beautifully adorn
Clumps of frozen grass scrunching stiffly underfoot
This crisp winter chill, ever so sharply does it cut

Fallen foliage has gathered upon my path
Next year's nutrition will be the aftermath
Bird nests are now visible within skeletal trees
All of a sudden exposed to the frigid winter breeze

My fingers numb, my little nose is so red
All gods creatures tackling the winter dread
Once green plant life now veiled in white
The persistence of life, so resilient in its fight

Snow gently falling like a fantasy dream
Picturesque rooftops blanketed in vanilla cream
The sky was a misty haze, not a cloud to be seen
Like an all-encompassing canopy screen

A grandma struggles along frozen streets
On a quest to retrieve some Christmas treats
She battles through the numbing snow
A week's worth of groceries all in tow

Santa readies himself, way up in Lapland
As children across the world watch the minute hand
Parents hoping all will go as planned
While outside, a magnificent white winter wonderland

I often stand out at night, as snow falls delicately upon me
Like crystalline stars descending from the heaven's glory
A unique snowflake for every creature great and small
A simple snowflake, one for all

Winter Wonderland
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: snow,winter,magic,christmas,santa claus
This poem is simply about the beauty of a snowy white Christmas.
David Wood 18 December 2022

Lovely poem packed with good visual imagery that I can relate to. Top marks.

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Lee Geoghegan 18 December 2022

Thank you so much for your very kind comment David, I really appreciate it, cheers my friend.

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