Lee Geoghegan Poems

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Beautiful Day

Dawn has arrived, rays of gold split the night
The sweet rhythm of birdsong, a morning delight
Wings all aflutter with colours so bright
A gift to the beholder, such a wholesome sight

The Falcon

I can recall another lifetime, one where I could fly
Gazing down upon the earth, moonlight glinting in my eye
A king among the stars with a piercing call that could terrify
I was once a mighty falcon, a raptor of the sky


It's winter in the year twenty-eighty-four
Hell has landed on every shore
Devilish eyes aglow as they rose to dominate
People now captive to a totalitarian state

Winter Wonderland

I walk alone on a misty winter morn
Through fields of brilliant white, which they now beautifully adorn
Clumps of frozen grass scrunching stiffly underfoot
This crisp winter chill, ever so sharply does it cut

The Bee Fields Of Yesteryear

Casting my mind back many a year
To childhood days spent catching bees
Those long gone memories do bring a tear
Playing with friends in the summer breeze

Glory To The Garden.

The utter splendour of garden life
Encompassed by nature, calm and serene
A sanctuary away from all that strife
What a pleasure it has been!

The Four Seasons Of Man

Spring arrived, ‘Twas the dawn of man
Consciousness exploded with a Big Bang
We foraged inquisitively for berries and nuts
Soon building settlements and primitive huts

Coming To Terms

Heed this call, my son, for my heavenly realm awaits
Familiar faces wait patiently beyond the gates
You stated proudly that you've lived your dream
Your wife was your river, and children your stream

Shepherds Of The Plane

Humanity still struggles to comprehend
That all life on earth is for us to tend
We must cease our pillaging of this great land
Instead, care for all life as it was planned

Pure Morning

Awoken before dawn by rooster call
To greet the day from my rocking chair
‘Twas the purest morning of them all
Something special filled the air

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