Linda Ori Poems

Hit Title Date Added
! Baby Haiku

A human blossom
Blooming with the breath of life -
Totally awesome


Let me be your comfort
Let me be your friend
Let your worries flow through me
Let your troubles end;

Blonde Moment

They call it a blonde moment -
A glitch of intelligent thought
I knew what I thought I was thinking
But before I could think, I forgot;

' Missing You

Why is the emptiness so cold?
Is it because I'm growing old?
The fire glows in the distance,
Too far away to comfort these old bones;

' And Never The Twain Shall Meet

I can't believe you're wearing that!
Your favorite holey shirt,
Your kneeless jeans and sandals
And you've got the guts to flirt!

* Rude Awakening

I look in the mirror,
Today it's not kind -
The reflection I see
Wears the change in my mind;

! Unfinished Business

If I should stay another day
I'd lose myself in you -
Not that that would be a crime
But I've got things to do;

' Senseless

Brothers lost -
Cut down in their prime;

' On The Lighter Side

Sprinkle smiles where frowns should be
Yes, life is tough, but so are we -
Dwell too long in misery
And happiness can never be;

Take A Chance

I'm not the one you long for, that you worship and adore
I'm not the one your heart is crying for
I'm not that pretty sweet young lass that colors all your dreams
I'm not your cute angelic girl next door

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