! Unfinished Business Poem by Linda Ori

! Unfinished Business

Rating: 3.8

If I should stay another day
I'd lose myself in you -
Not that that would be a crime
But I've got things to do;

Perhaps one day my life will change
My little tasks be done -
And then with freedom's blessing
I'll ride off to meet the sun;

And will you come to meet me there?
Or join me on my way -
Experience the journey
Hand in hand we'll run and play;

The future beckons brightly
Every day begins anew -
He went and saved the best for last.............
My life begins with you.

Ying Escalona 06 September 2007

wow Linda...this is not an unfinished business..this is a never ending love affair...great feelings and bright tomorrow

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That last stanza is so classy... well, so is the entire piece. Perfect rhyme and rhythm. t x

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Original Unknown Girl 06 September 2007

Great title, great poem; loved it... thank you for sharing. HG: -) xx

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Poison 9901 06 September 2007

Very nicely put, Thanks for shareing this one. 'Keep on inking the Pages' Poison

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 06 September 2007

Ahhh, l'amour et fantastique! And so is this poem, MIDNIGHT...You continue to stun me, as i know of no opne elsen that could write quality verse....stop on a dime for weeks, on end....then start back up while never missing a beat during the downtime! You are the gal! Ecrivez tres bon, Madamoiselle Midi! P.S....THANK YOU for your continued reads & comments.You know how much i appreciate it, Linda.I also got your message, and i will be in touch A.S.A.P.... Gots to go, whew! Frank

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Shashendra Amalshan 28 July 2009

again i like this one.. you know why i like these poems best, cause these poems reflect what kind of sweet, darling person you are.... people here say i m darling sweet person too.., but not many know how am i when i am angrymmmm.... anyway writing poems always helps to let my emotions out and reading stuff like this can cleanse sore hearts too........ with lots of love shan

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Ivor Hogg 08 March 2008

Circumstances too often dictate what we will do rather what we weould like to do

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Not a member No 4 14 December 2007

There is a bittersweet beauty in this, as there is in all of your recent writing, that goes straight to the heart... maybe we're at similar places - maybe you're younger than your age and I'm older than mine -.. I don't know.. but this touched me deeply.. there is a strong and positive air about the final verse, and yet there is something fragile, delicately balanced about the whole. I'm often reminded of Will Barber's style when I read your work... a poet who, who like yourself, has mastered the art of touching hearts deeply with deceptively simple looking poems. xxx

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Bonnie Harding 17 September 2007

Linda, nice piece of work....don't think I found any of your poems I didn't like...still looking tho, lol

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Steve Chering 07 September 2007

A class act as usual. no faults in the scanning, as usual, and entertaining...as usual. very well done.

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