anonymous californian

anonymous californian Poems


Every night I go outside to see the moonlit snow,
although I seem to stare at her I seldom see her grow.
For when the growing happens I have drifted fast asleep,
I never know exactly when for she makes not a peep.

My thoughts are slightly out of tune,
for when I cry I think of you,
With blue eyes piercing through my soul,
intrusive thoughts start taking tolls.

I see the way you look at her,
now in your mind I'm just a blur.
I hear your laughter down the halls,
while staring at your old missed calls.

Your gaze that I had met for the first time had made me fall,
Out of things I thought of how new love makes people act at all.

Under stars my stomach crawled and I was sickened then with fright,

The Best Poem Of anonymous californian


Every night I go outside to see the moonlit snow,
although I seem to stare at her I seldom see her grow.
For when the growing happens I have drifted fast asleep,
I never know exactly when for she makes not a peep.
I suppose she wouldn't wait for me, she's always been so shy,
she only seems to trust the never-ending starry sky.
There must be trust between the pair, the sky must let her go,
and watch her float down through the earth, thats how we get our snow.
After months on end, you start to tire of her stubborn ways,
but when she wants to go you keep on begging her to stay.
You think you want her gone but just remember this one thing,
please don't complain for she is only here till early spring.
Now near the end when there is only left what's on the ground,
she turns from pearly white to a very familiar brown.
So when you ask me what to think of our beloved snow,
for me as time goes on my love for her will only grow.

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