As you see universally
There is a great fall
Let love stretch its hands being universal
To love and teach us to love all,
The world is a vast market of trading love
though it is not a visible commodity at all
When you love nature, its lover you are
Now you do love its things, features, creatures
Birds' songs, blooming flower, running river
Noisy folks, working and normal dwellers;
If you earn only a coin
Buy food for hunger
And if you earn two
Spend half for flower
Everywhere I cry for unity, peace
But find nowhere anyone of these,
I did not know these follow love,
I knew and then went to love;
Loving once
Remembering forever
Great love
Loving Allah
Love In Quatrain Verse
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The four lettered word LOVE
If first love is made
Unity and peace follow
As love is inside.
As you see there is a great fall
Let love stretch its hands being universal
Let us love each other and all,
It has a great power see you will
I said love
You said tough
Love is in really tough.
Love Returns (Oulipo Poetry R+7)
January 25, 2020
Love Is Pick Pocketed - Reza Stanza
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In this large city there is no love
Love should be universal
Then in our earthy planet
I love you every point, man
Though they are trying you to damn
You are free here in this love land
Love for pet roots
Deep in my heart,
Has made it ever
Imagery Of Love
October 14, 2021
As soft as green grass
I was born in a romantic village
Two sides are river surrounded,
So long and so wide the village
After my birth much I heard,
Prayer To Love
August 8, 2019
O, love! O, you have been Halley's comet! !
In my blue sky you are the only star
I am an ordinary planet,
Bound to orbit you at a speed
When you orbit the other,
Love is divided among the agents
Land is one of the agents to show and receive it,
Land shows love by sheltering and producing fruits
Hence it is known mother land,
(Love Is Ever Soft: Haiku)
Love is ever soft,
Either the beloved or
Your every word of hatred I will buy
To finish all pie by pie,
Then my every word of love I will give you
Free, unconditional tie;
Why do hate?
But love everywhere cultivate
We need
Love trees
To say love
To do hate,
A kind of love
Fully hatred;
Heroic Couplet For The Share Of Love
June 11, 2019
With love in the world the creatures come
Chain Verse For Your Words Of Love
August 7, 2019
Your those words of love
Love poem, love me
Like my dear
Like my dad
Like my mother
From the other side of the hill
Once suddenly the beloved did call,
Lover stumbled on hill
And forgot the call,
The great sign of love Shahajahan left
The river Jumna reflects on the heart
Of lots of the lovers a lot
"Love is unseen here in the human world, " when you hear this
"Then, where is love more or less seen? " You may ask
You also hear, "It is seen there in the wilderness"
"Why? " You may ask;
(Love Blooms As Flower In Haiku)
Love blooms as flower
Spreads both smell and beauty
My Love My Love
October 15, 2021
My love is always rewarded
Love is baby's inborn term
Not only between baby and mom,
Love is kids' care and attends
Between kids and parents,
I am in love
With dear, near, far, other
Nations, communities, humans
Country, world, God
You say, you are a man of real love
You live well,
You eat well,
You see well,
The earth is loveless one
Here human cuts human,
No hesitation in self ruin
No fear of any cataclysm,
Love is love
Love is not a heart mark
People always mistake
So no love develops in them
Once love was like lively river
Full of flow and water
Made both sides green land
All living beings happily lived;