I sit in the center
of the world
but yet, to you
i remain invisible
Staring and gazing at her
from across the room
he hopes that she sees
what keeps his body & soul
From quite a short distance
I could feel her warm temperance
and when she came closer,
I felt her tender embrace
20 plus years fighting the same war
his body parts had become sore
you see, life has turned out to be dreary
because this young man was war weary
Je souhaite...
qu'il n'y avait pas de frontières
pour que je puisse
te donner tout mon amour
You may have seen me
writing broken letters
in the sand and thought,
I was wasting time
Living with broken vision
& cracked foundations
of those around you
A little birdy once asked me
how does one write good poetry?
is it by the number of times
a person finds perfect rhymes?
Lubinda Lubinda is a writer of both English and French poetry. He has showcased some of his work at Alliance française de Gaborone, the 1st multi-lingual poetry festival held at the University of Botswana. He has published some of his works in les francophilles du sud sans frontières and le Florilège international des écrivains en herbe de langue française.)
50 Years Ago...
50 years ago...
a nation was set free
from the shackles
of colonialism
a nation was born
our oppressed ancestors
couldn't even dream
of the freedoms
that we have today
50 years ago...
the ideals of self-rule
and self-governance
were just a pipe dream
but they spoke of it
as if it was a reality
i guess they were convinced
that one day
Zambia would be set free!
50 years ago...
our ancestors saw
it fit to take up arms
against colonialism
so we owe it
to the brave men
who risked their lives
to liberate the nation
because they envisioned
a time when their
children & children's
children would be free
Today, as we celebrate
our golden jubilee
we must commemorate
the sacrifice of those
who struggled for our
we must remember that
without them
we would couldn't even dream
of self governance!
Life is the biggest chess game where we are all pieces serving the king
We like to think of facts as things which are cast in stone, but in reality what we consider to be fact today may not be so tomorrow. Facts are ever changing but the truth remains the same!
Poems are like children, you raise them up, watch them grow and in time you will have to let them go out into the world!