M. Asim Nehal Poems

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From The Fallen Leaves Of Time..

I'm curious as to what happened to the lovely fragrance of love,
which was released by the crimson flower of life.

The memory icicles form in the interior dome of my mind

Wisdom Teeth - Humorous And Satire

I was at a loss for words to describe
the discomfort of my missing wisdom teeth,
so, I turned to prayer.
With a plea of 'just four more to reach thirty-two',

Unblemish Love

Her body is a melting pot
On the silken sheet
with pillow beneath
trying hard to hold spinning head

A Struggle - Ghazal In English

Those who have several wants and wishes to accomplish
Often when they start their journey do notfind the way to proceed

Like the boat when surrounded by the storm

Fragrance Full Of Memories...

Memories, so deeply associated with fragrance
The mere smell brings back those gone elegance
The purple lilac with the clusters of four petal flowers
Reminds me the summer days of exams

All For You ~

Nature's green carpet, all for you.
Zillion drops from sky, all for you.
The night full of stars, all for you.

End Of A Long Journey.

The stillness of the night
Makes enough noise altogether
Slicing me in a two-piece
One to live the reality

Haiku ~ Search

in the grim voices
these seagulls lookup for food
fishes are at high

Haiku - 80 Life

Senryu - Musical Morning

the soothing sunshine
playing softness to my skin
musical morning

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