Mary Angela Douglas Poems

Hit Title Date Added

[to William Blake and the Space Program]

places with such beautiful names have endured such atrocities
I heard the angels chained complain complain

Another Meditation On Cinderella's Dress

the froth of her dress was like a small sea
or something branched as flowers can be
in the spring or starlight caught in a looking

In The Variety Store Of My Dreams

[to Eugene Field for the Sugarplum Tree,
to all the Five and Ten's...]

in the variety store of my dreams I saw...

For Banished Music

[for John Dowland and myriad others]

why do they balk at the beautiful words
and send them pitiless, away?

Through Goldenrod Years

to my sister

they've castled my castles did you cry
to the vacant chessboard

Light Rain

we heard music through a cloud
so faintly; o finally we thought either
we are dying or is music

Who Has The What O'clock In Fairy Tales

we heard music through a cloud
so faintly; o finally we thought either
we are dying or is music

What They Said

forever finding the silver key
to the golden door
the right glove not the left

Is Life Not Burning Bush Enough

is life not burning bush enough
that we should kneel
here in the shadow of your lovely

Oops! Or The Fairies Have Really Good Hearing

would you care for a drop of chocolate,
a pink iced bun?
we asked the Fairy on the run.

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