Michael J Williams Poems

Hit Title Date Added
If I Could Finish

If I could only finish what I started
I'd let the fates portend my end
If only my deeds would not be thwarted
My soul would ably, no doubt, ascend

A Letter To My Children

I have never been one to over-praise or tell you how wonderful you are… but know that I could not have loved you more or been prouder of all of you. I would like you to know that on the rare occasions that I did bestow praise on you, I really meant it, and I'd like to think that it meant something to you also… and motivated you to be the people you are now, and who you will become. I realize that your accomplishments are mostly ‘all You', and your wonderful mother had a more positive influence on you than I did.

The way I was raised is the way I raised you. I know your mother did most of the nurturing and
rearing. I was there to put the ‘fear of God' into you should you misbehave. The way both your mother and I were raised represents a different time and place, so I guess maybe I was a little behind the times with my methods of discipline, even though I don't think it did you any harm. In fact, I believe it instilled the rewards of diligent work habits, honesty, and doing things for the right reasons. I would like you all to know that it's been an honor and a privilege to have been a part of your lives.

Bookworm Love

The excitement of a bookshop full of volumes he's never read
Causes the bibliophile to lose his bookish head
He anticipates the possibilities of getting lost, with mirth,
In some rare and undiscovered tome… for a fraction of its worth!


Sometimes I go inside my brain
where memories reside
visiting times from youth
where fears and pleasantries collide


I can't believe I'm in this position
The world has gone insane
My family is my only comfort …
and my greatest source of pain

A Working Man's Purpose

Forty years on a factory floor… makes a man cold, hard and efficient
With an economy of motion, he accomplishes his tedious task
After the work is all done, the ‘working man's curse' comes a calling
Weekends are full of aches, pains and aggravations most proficient

What's Important

I wanted to do important things,
But life got in the way
Great deeds were to be performed… and respected
I wanted to be someone relevant,

Will I Be Forgotten?

I'm afraid that I'll be forgotten
Like so many men before
Who recalls their great-great ancestors,
From ancient times of yore?

Death And A Lonely Young Man

''Come be with me, and you shall see
I'll make your problems go away''
said Death as she pressed her cold lips near mine
At last I realized the only kiss of desire that I had ever known

Small Clay Marble

Don't go in the basement
It's a scary place to be
There's a little boy
Who lurks down there

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