A Letter To My Children Poem by Michael J Williams

A Letter To My Children

Rating: 5.0

I have never been one to over-praise or tell you how wonderful you are… but know that I could not have loved you more or been prouder of all of you. I would like you to know that on the rare occasions that I did bestow praise on you, I really meant it, and I'd like to think that it meant something to you also… and motivated you to be the people you are now, and who you will become. I realize that your accomplishments are mostly ‘all You', and your wonderful mother had a more positive influence on you than I did.

The way I was raised is the way I raised you. I know your mother did most of the nurturing and
rearing. I was there to put the ‘fear of God' into you should you misbehave. The way both your mother and I were raised represents a different time and place, so I guess maybe I was a little behind the times with my methods of discipline, even though I don't think it did you any harm. In fact, I believe it instilled the rewards of diligent work habits, honesty, and doing things for the right reasons. I would like you all to know that it's been an honor and a privilege to have been a part of your lives.

I've often wondered… what if things had been different? I realized that if it meant another outcome… well let's just say, I would not have changed a thing.

Life has a funny way of taking forever to see the results we are working towards, but for me it's been so very worth the wait.

For the future generations:
Choose Love over fame or money; be brave enough to oppose what you know is wrong; if you make mistakes… what you do about those mistakes is what truly matters and reveals your true character… so consider your options wisely.

I wanted to tell you this for a long time, before it's too late and while I'm still alive, because we never know when it's our time to go. It's hard for me to say the words out loud, so I've written them down.

Love, Dad

Kevin Hulme 07 September 2024

Sage Advice and can relate to it all. Never said the word ‘Love' except in a Birthday Card etc.

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Michael J Williams 08 September 2024

Thanks Kevin! I wasn't sure if I should publish this as it was supposed to be an intimate thing between me and my kids, but they thought it was something to be shared... to inspire others to do the same.

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