Miroslava Odalovic Poems

Hit Title Date Added
We Made Them Dance

This is how I made you
I took the fibres of black
Spread the twinkling of my heart
Across your body

The Skyfall

the abyss being bespoken
sounds more quiet than your fate
and louder than your history
like a body tortured stretched


look at the worlds stripping
the skins of their bodies

the layers of their meaning

Did You See It? Yes, I Did.

there was the sky the blue used to paint
when it feather like touched liquid spots of clouds
shaded it in wisdom exchanged it for a smile
tight-fisted who lived on meager meals of time

Heideggerian Freight

the art that lives lies in caves
the sun that sets the horizons no more
the Being forgotten being swayed into time
history teaches a hard lesson of Nothing

Just Tired

Simulation of a situation
As if controlled
Like we know people when we don't
And talk to them philially

Last Night I Watched The Stars

and the stars were violently blinking
crying out all the thorns
we pinned into a deep night
is that why we didn't see our eyes

Sister Moon

sister moon keep me warm
keep me close deeply keep
my inner fears beneath your crust
for fear I will for fear I must

Sexy Pablo

lol going back in detail
to some previous discussion
we finally conclude
art dealers made a decision of a century

Here Comes The Sun

The earth is green but given to none
Who suckles the breast with no milk to find
Hypnobirth's a sleep child of no embrace
No ID passport no border no face

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