Mixo Malepfane

Mixo Malepfane Poems

Tears of a weeping lover

When did I lose you my love
How did my world fall apart

Letter to my soul mate
We are bound both physically and spiritually
It is like we are of the same breath, one heart
You are all that I am

I still remember how it feels
To fall in love with you
For I am not in love, alone
This is love my love

It does not scream at you but you will hear the music
It does not shout at you but you will hear its voice
In its silence it roars
Even the deaf can hear the African beauty

I think I have hated you more than I have loved you
For I have loved you from a distance
All I ever wanted was for you to be happy
I was afraid of hurting you



The words we speak
The words we write



Death has betrayed my trust in life
For i had given everything to life

I loved you even when I did not know you
And not knowing whether you would love to be loved haunted me daily
But in my heart I knew you were the woman for me
For you make me the man I wish to be without doing anything

If doctors knew what you do to my heart, they would never allow you near me
And I f my mother knew how much I love you she would disown me
If God could tell you how much I love you He would also tell you, you’re my angel
If my father knew how much I love you he would be jealous of us

I have waited long enough
For my tomorrow is today
And yet I have not my future
For I am still waiting

I was seeking acceptance
To belong to something
And I honorable failed
I am yet to live my dreams

I was patience with my love
I cared for it with the hope of being loved
But i forgot that love could not talk
And i thought that doing was stronger than saying

Loneliness makes the heart weak
It forgets who i am and what i am
I am besieged by blindness
The impossibility of hope becomes my reality

She wanted me all her life
She loves me more than she loves herself
Sacrificing herself for me has always been her way
She told me I am her best

Made by death
Death cheated me of my childhood
I do not have memories of being a child
For I was born and then I was an adult


Power is so sweet but so bitter
It is so strong but very weak
It will unite us and disperse us all
For power defends but it attacks

Why do you always want what I have
And when you cannot have, it you wish me to lose it
Why do you allow your mother to treat you like a child,
If only you knew that I will forever remain my mother’s child, do you even care that she gave me life

I heard if your death and I did not cry
But all I did was to laugh till my lungs hurt and my tears started to fall
In those moments all I could think about was what a human being you were
If I was writing a poem, these would be my words

I do not wish to know your past
For knowing changes everything
Can I paint you with the color of my choice
Let me look at you and see for myself

Stolen kisses

These are the moments that make life beautiful
That day I stole moments from time with you

The Best Poem Of Mixo Malepfane

Tears Of A Weeping Lover

Tears of a weeping lover

When did I lose you my love
How did my world fall apart
Where did I leave us
For the tears I cry are bitter than vinegar

How can something without form nor shape breake
What am I to do with all these promises
Who do I give this love to
And who will give me hope

How do I accept something that does not belong to me
For I gave you my heart because it was yours
How do I give back all that you gave me
Do I change my name back from us to me

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