Francis Duggan Money Poems

The Lust For Power And Money

The lust for power and money to corruption lead
And some cheat and lie to satisfy their greed
And big Corporations do not have a soul
The avarice that afflicts them their thinking control.

'Tis In The Power Of Money

'Tis in the power of money real fame is to be found
And money is always involved where corruption abound
And corruption and human greed to each other live nearby
And why some people are corrupt this could be the answer why

Because Of Money

Because of money people wish on others harm or ill
And because of money people others do injure or kill
And because of money great friendships have come to an end
And money can make you an enemy or make you a friend

It Is All About Money

What of this purchase how much for it did you pay
It is all about money in the Human World of today
How much are you paid weekly in the job you work in
Those living on low incomes few friends can hope to win

If You Have Money Problems

If you have money problems your problems are not small
And that money speaks all languages that goes for one and all
But that money cannot buy happiness that seems so very true
And to the battlers who keep keeping on great credit must be due,

Power And Money

A bad habit they form as a young girl or boy
To have power over others some people enjoy
With personal power some are not satisfied
Their desire for top job they don't try for to hide

Due To Money

Due to money good friendships have come to an end
For money can make an enemy out of a friend
And due to money many are serving prison time
For money or lack of it leads many to serious crime

Wealthy Man Don'T Hoard Your Money

Some one else will own your property when you are dead and gone
The day you die the World won't stop life it will carry on
You've made it big, you've reached the top, you're plutocratic kind
But wealthy guy you too must die and leave your wealth behind.


In the Human World money speaks every language some say
And all things have a price on them 'twould seem that way
And though the reaper will one day claim the lives of you and I
It costs money to live and it costs money to die.

In A World Where Money Matters

He is sixty his hair dyed brown and she is a natural blond of nineteen
And strolling hand in hand along the beach road every evening they are seen
His grandchildren as old as she is it is so true what they say
That money does speak every language and it has always been this way.

She Married Him For His Money

She married him for his money though he was older and gray
And for six years of marriage to her a half a million to her he had to pay
I never felt any love or passion for him to her friends she often say
And he was quite useless as a lover and quite boring anyway.

It's Only Money

I smirk when people say 'it's only money' and with very little money we get by
But money it can do a lot for people and not much of course that money cannot buy
And money it can be your greatest ally and open doors to opportunity
If you could make one wish and one wish only I'm sure you would not wish for poverty.

Money Corrupts That Does Seem Sad To Say

We hear so much of late of Corporate crime
Some far better 'twould seem in jail serving time
Than some who make millions by guile and deceit
They know how to lie and they know how to cheat

That Money Speaks Every Language

That money speaks every language has often been said before
And what also applies to money is much always wants more
And that moneyed people rule the World is something we all know
The more money they accumulate the more their power does grow.

With Many With Money

With many with money it is much wants more
I'm sure that's a saying you've often heard before
And many with enough are not satisfied
That greed is addictive cannot be denied

In A World Where Money Only Matters

When your amount of money can say more about you than words of you can ever say
It does not speak volumes of the society that we have to live in today
If that only speaks of our true worth it does not say much for humanity
When you say money only matters you seem spiritually bankrupt to me.

Money Is Most Important

At the top of people's new year's wish list you won't find poverty
For money speaks every language as most would agree
A lack of money in people causes low self esteem
Money is the most important thing to most it does seem

It Is Not Unusual That One Who Owes You Money

It is not unusual that the one who owes you money is usually slow to pay
But if you owe such to someone that person may ring you every day
And even threaten you with violence and promise to re-arrange your face
That people can be bashed over money often is the case

Money Cannot Buy One Happiness

The wealthy and the famous their lives are not their own
For everyone knows their business this is what comes with being well known
The celebrities may be in the news and by many admired
But some of them yearn for their privacy and of their fame grow tired

It Is Not How Much Money And Assets

It is not how much money and assets you accumulate or how much fame you do win
That will not make the Human World a better World to live in
It depends on how kind and compassionate you are
And not your money or the size of your plane, boat or car

Due To Our Lust For Money

The beauty of Nature for all to enjoy
Yet a beauty some people are happy to destroy
Due to this need that is in us for financial gain
Our craving for material success beyond me to explain.

Money And Love

To get by in life money most people need
Though those without love are poor people indeed
But the love of a mother for her daughter and son
Transcends all other loves when all is said and done

With That Money Speaks All Languages

With that money speaks all languages one must agree
On that one you will not have an argument from me
But money cannot guarantee you a longer life span
And that applies to every woman and to every man,

On Money

The praises of moneyed people many like to sing
And though money is quite important it cannot buy everything
Those with very poor health money cannot enjoy
That is something I learned as a very young boy

Money Speaks Every Language As Some Like To Say

Money speaks every language as some are known to say
And it is quite important in the World of today
Due to greed for it or lack of it some turn to crime
And many because of it serving jail time

Money Is Most Important As Most Would Agree

Money is most important as most would agree
But Nature's beauty around us we do not pay to see
A silver billed magpie pipes on a tall tree
The very best things in life to us are free

Money Speaks Every Language

Money speaks every language as most would agree
An old saying that does make a loser of me
For as i grow older i grow poorer financially
Suppose poverty thinking begets poverty

Money Does Speak Every Language

He covers his baldness in a brown wig the sugar daddy with the big nose
But his fifth wife she is young and pretty one might say she blooms like a rose
A twenty five years old beauty with shoulder length wavy ginger hair
The only reason she is with him is he is a multi millionaire

Money Is Quite Important Why Otherwise Pretend

Money is quite important why otherwise pretend
For if you are short of it you do need a good friend
One who has plenty of it on you for to spend
For a poor one such a person in his or her life is indeed a god send

Money Surely Does Matter

A beautiful young woman with wavy shoulder length hair of dark brown
She goes by the title of Pride of the Town
In her early twenties yet to be a wife
Though she does have a far older man in her life.

The Old Bloke With Heaps Of Money

The old bloke with heaps of money was buried yesterday
Yet for his funeral services and his burial the town charities will pay
For all the money that he had by him hidden away
At least a couple of million so those who knew him say.

Whoever Said Money With It Does Not Bring

Their families and friends and loved ones with expensive gifts they can shower
Whoever said money with it does not bring great power
Are wrong in their thinking to me it does seem
The pauper will never be held in high esteem

The One With Heaps Of Money

The one with heaps of money his or her friends in numbers grow
And the pauper is the person only the kind of heart wishes to know
And money speaks more of one than words can ever do
And if you are short of money I can only pity you,

Security In Money

He has made a few friends and he has made a few foes
In that way no different to most others one would have to suppose
To success in big business he is one who aspire
The go ahead type many seem to admire

That Money Speaks

He is far from the best looking ageing man in the town
And it has been awhile since his hair was natural brown
But he walks hand in hand with a blond haired young Rose
Money speaks every language one would have to suppose

God, Money And Gaelic Football

In Millstreet when i was a youngster to be good at Gaelic Football
Was seen as important as i now do recall
It was a close up third behind money and god
The values of many people to me does seem quite odd

Money, God And Gaelic Football

In Millstreet when i was a youngster to be good at Gaelic Football
Was seen as important as i now do recall
It was a close up third behind money and god
The values of many people to me does seem quite odd

Money It Is Most Important'

That the super wealthy than others can live longer
Since they have the money for private health care to pay
Just goes to prove of the power of money
And that does seem a sad thing to say

Thanks To His Money

His mistress younger than him by four decades though he looks fit for one of sixty nine
And only to the most expensive restaurants does he take her out for to wine and dine
The old bloke he has got heaps of money and of money 'tis true what they say
That of those who have got plenty of it they do seem to have things their own way.

Money Does Speak All Languages

Money does speak all languages or so 'twould seem that way
A lot of once wealthy people in eternal rest now lay
They left their millions behind them that's life as some might say
The reaper makes all equal and respect to none he does pay

Money Corrupts

For their financial futures they have no cause for fear
These C E O's of big corporations who are paid millions in money each year
In a World where millions are dying of hunger and millions live in poverty
The unequal distribution of wealth seems ridiculous to me

Money Is Quite Important

Not much about most things I can claim to know
But I'm certain that money on trees does not grow
And though in the Human World money is the most important thing
Of love lost and found singers prefer to sing

I Will Take The Money

In assets quite poor with little cash to my name
I will take the money you can have the fame
Your fame it will not buy you a loaf of bread
No you have the fame I'll have money instead

It Is Thanks To Money

It is thanks to money that he has a beautiful young wife
And it is thanks to money that he lives the good life
And though he earned his fortune in the honest way
Money speaks every language as some like to say.

Few From It Make Money

Few from it make money and few from it know fame
For most penning of verse is a hungry belly game
And many great poets have died in poverty
Why this should be so ask one other than me

We Cannot Eat Money

Pollution and nuclear poisoning has become Worldwide
And will there be a Worldwide famine when the Earth we have destroyed?
When the last root crop has failed and the last animal has died money we cannot eat
There will be a Worldwide famine without milk and bread and meat.

Money Is All That Seems To Matter

I've always been a stranger to things like wealth and fame
And If I struggle for to make ends meet I only have myself to blame
For I too had my chances but I left them go by
And others with far less opportunities are far wealthier than I.

If I Had A Million In Money

Though money will not save you from the reaper and your mental depression won't cure
I'd rather be wealthy and unhappy than to be unhappy and poor
For how can some one poor be truly happy and it does not make much sense to me
When some says he is happy go lucky though he is living in poverty?

Money Speaks All Languages

That money speaks all languages happens to be true
Just call into a posh Richmond cafe any night and you
Will see ageing sugar daddy and his mistress one third the age of he
Wine and dine and sipping brand coffee.

Go Out And Spend Your Money Friend.

Go out and spend your money friend 'tis soon you'll have to die
So what use in piling riches up for others to enjoy
And don't have some relation say on the day they lay you low
He forgot me he left me nought the bloody so and so.

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