Watching the moon is nice and exciting,
It brings joy, smile, and sparkle to the eyes,
The light above is truly inviting,
The bright stars say hellos before goodbyes,
A-im at the lovely moon,
N-ight stars are all around;
N-ever let go of the mirth and the happiness you've found.
A-fter the moon is gone
N-ew dawn shares the light;
I-n fourteenth October morn
T-hrill has set things
The moon had never been blue-colored,
Ever and never would it be;
For it's not alone in the night,
Shining stars above make it happy.
When the moon hides behind the cloud,
Late in the dark of cold evening;
Every shadow becomes gloomy,
The appearance is so scowling.
Crescent form appears in the serene sky;
Allowing the stars above to increase
Their twinkling lights that make men aim so high
After the cold raindrops in the night cease.
The pretty moon attracts the ink
of the pen with eyes that don't blink
and with mind that will always think
of lovely light's poetic link.
M-oon and sun both glow
I-n opposite time of the day;
C-omforting the forlorn sorrow,
H-aving brightened the gray.
I-n the break of dawn
V-iew in the sky is bright;
Y-our eyes are amazed by the early morning light.
J-ust keep quiet and think
O-f the silence of the moon;
B-ecause the twilight is gone,
E-arly morn turns into noon.
S-hining moon in the sky
H-as brightened the night;
E-vening tenth November
Y-earns to touch the light.
S-even twenty-one PM,
U-nderneath the wide lane;
P-eople watch the moon
E-ver super without pouring
M-oon looker at late night
I-s eager and awake;
N-ovember twelfth eventide
A-ims to ease the heartache.
P-hoto of the super moon was taken
O-n fourteenth of November,
T-welfth of April Wednesday, an acrostic is penned by the writer.
M-oonrise has begun,
A-s the sun starts to descend;
Y-es, the morning is over,
N-oon and twilight
M-oon turns into beacon,
Y-ou see the morning light;
L-onely night passes by,
E-arly brightness is in
M-oon gazer at midnight
A-lways awaits the sunset;
R-eady to stay awake,
J-oining not the woeful fret.
L-et the moon meet the sun,
U-nderneath the wide sky;
N-ight starlight will turn
I-nto rays shining up high.
R-ise of the moon begins
O-n ninth November night;
M-illions of twinkling stars
A-re setting things aright.
S-eeing the moon up high
H-as made one amazed;
A-musing view of shelter,
R-oom in a far away place.