Mrudula Rani

Mrudula Rani Poems

If you were to compete for fun,
Contra the moon and the sun,
With your magnificent grin,
You would definitely win.

For letting train of thought to evanesce,
by an inapt distraction of nullity.
Strain to entrain link anew to coalesce....
For lettingtrain of thought to evanesce,

My God has not one but sobriquets a million,
answers to all and every one of the appellation.
My God hests no proof of liveries of my troth,
for my liturgy cantillates all its strength.

A penny saved is solely a penny
Altho it's shiny and tiny ~ ask any,
If kept many to a rainy day, handy
for a parasol or for pot of honey.

Learnt fortitude that ousts surfeit of diffidence,
Dived in retrieved flair that dwelt in me,
Located omitted dream that untied drive in an instance,
Above all I acquired troth in me had forgotten aimlessly,


Those days...oft vista of your world rendered the difference,
Those days... unbridled was our confidence,
Those days...sculpted us despite our permission,
Those days... yet bedded in us splendid passion,

Ne'er can omit
the first passion,
As angel's kiss
Etches vision.

I adjudge myself poet, if I can have you gather,
fragrant efflorescence' supple and silken texture,
Dawn's coruscating rays unfurl like fabric so fine,
awakens dormant kernel to upsize tall and green.

Nowise Will I ensky any to attain heaven,
nor be inhold of cenotaph of passion.
On no account aim to subsume all I intent,
Such onuses me seldom; I am complacent.

You fit anywise auspiciously in my heart,
I can't impart anymore you and I apart.
Sense you withal solely even when distant.


Nexus of ruth to zenith of paradise stroll prayers
The suzerain of universe perceives passel of prayers.

On the sacred berm to the heed of the divine

As topiary prest in terrain
Sways to opposes of the environs;
To incredulities of existence
to sundry illusions of sooth in vain,

Tho I prize you as handsel from heaven,
still wouldn't emplace you on a pedestal.
It would seem a pretense for approval.
Some might paint you perfect; unlike human,


Fear owns world
In its indistinct tight hold,
We fear invisible wile,
as well the vile we were told.

Mother Nature's
Dire obsession for perfection
begot lasting sequel,

To stay on this course long with you -
crave hope
I do believe in what was whispered anew-
last night

However glorious
And insouciant
Palace on moon,
Paris or even on Venus,

Little temple on the hilltop is fount of my
felicity, noble emblem of home,
I carry as personal property to look back
on splendid childhood in the cherished

I best not claim to have figured out sentience entirely, for
as I discern the idea often I find an instance I have not
learnt afore.
Just as not want all logic of purpose

My bearings are likewise tended by not
just my instincts but other dynamics
as well, I suspect there is a reign that's
ethereal. Even though I don't sate

The Best Poem Of Mrudula Rani

Asset (Your Smile)

If you were to compete for fun,
Contra the moon and the sun,
With your magnificent grin,
You would definitely win.
For the sun is callously warm,
The moon isn't constant in form,
Whilst your smile forever a charm.

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