nimal dunuhinga Poems

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Suns & Moons

A horrible night
street lamps unlit
even the moon hides
a woman smiles.

A Wedding And A Funeral

She smiled for the first time in her life
at the age of fiftyfive.
Married to a retired postmaster
still he was a bachelor.

Home & The Butterfly

I built my life with muddy bricks and a tin sheet for the roof,
My history teacher suggests the name; poverty
But it's weather-beaten knows everybody.
Am I heavy to carry on your soft wings?

The Orchestra

Manipulator in a mess?
Unruly musicians
take no notice and unscripted.
The play is out of tune

Out Of One's Depth

The mealy-mouths and evil-eyes,
they stranded in the vast void.
Mr. Romeos & Miss.Juliettes
don't let go your secret whispers.

Grasshopper, Lawnmower And My Sweet Adolescence

Over the quiet lawn
why this Lawnmower make a big noise?
I cannot hear her chirping
and see the hops.

If Somebody Knows Who Takes His Last Breath?

He will get panic
and no more time to think of loved ones.
Breath fast to gather more air
and he sees the ferryman is waiting afar


A teenager roams in my friend's area
who walks like a girl and my friend's wife hates him.
'Must be a Gay' she emphasized.
The next door lives an old man

Going For A Song

Drubbed In Swamp

In the marsh overwhelmed with flood.
He thought it's sure-footed and he crossed.
Before he drowns his thoughts dragged
to the bygone days how he swam with his free style

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