Oscar Auliq-Ice Poems

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I Am Sorry

I am sorry for the pain I've caused
For the wounds that still haven't paused
The hurtful words that I have said
The tears that you have shed

Nature's Symphony

The wind whispers through the trees,
A symphony of leaves rustling in the breeze,
The branches sway in a graceful dance,
A natural rhythm, a fleeting chance.


Unity, the bond that binds us all,
Together we stand, never to fall.
In times of joy, in times of strife,
Our unity keeps us going in life.

Generous With Their Attention

Generosity of spirit is a rare treasure indeed,
And those who possess it are truly blessed indeed,
For they give their time and their attention,
With kindness and care, without any mention.

A Woman's Strength

A woman is a wonder to behold,
A force of nature, strong and bold.
Her beauty shines both inside and out,
Her heart full of love and her mind devout.

A Symphony Of Nature

Amidst the rustling leaves and gentle breeze,
The symphony of nature never seems to cease.
Birds chirping melodiously in the trees,
A musical ensemble that's sure to please.

Economy Is A Game Of Chance

In the realm of commerce and trade,
Lies an ever-shifting economic grade,
Fluctuations in numbers and charts,
Dictate the rise and fall of our hearts.


In the markets, numbers soar and fall,
A dance of money, a constant brawl,
Economy, the grand machine,
Whose workings no one can quite glean.

For Hope Is Not Just A Dream

Hope is a light that shines so bright,
A beacon in the darkest night,
It lifts us up when we are low,
And helps us find the strength to grow.

For Nature Is A Treasure We Must Keep

In fields of green and skies of blue,
The beauty of nature comes into view.
With rustling leaves and babbling brooks,
The peacefulness of nature fills all nooks.

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