Otteri Selvakumar

Otteri Selvakumar Poems

Love is not


Every one is each love

Some thing...

She name

Love your head

Love your face

Father and

Mother love too

Sister is
Not only

God is

Did not

At home

My cat was



is only

Key is

Only open



is only

Dear my dear




At my child


Success is


Women is


Long long ago

Man was real

My father

Is my friend...




! ! ! ! !

Some time

Otteri Selvakumar Biography

Dear my dears... I'am Otteri Selvakumar My age 51 years now My mother name neela ramamoorthy My father name ramamoorthy My gran father name munuswmy mudaiyar I was rote the poems age of 10 years at the school time my friends are enjoy the comedy poem's... my mother tang Tamil; Tamil was very old language... I love Tamil i was wrote many poem's and short Tid bits jocks some short stores also...write lot of also; I was thinking the poem in many new way of life; its not Tamil... it is not English...thinking is don't want any language... I love me... I love the people... I was wrote the poem for me... My heart speaks My heart fight [with me] My heart crying... my love.. my problem.. my life fights.. my happy.. my people and my feeling, .. thinking.. dreams.. learn... That is my poem's... very very happy about the poem writing; My education is Tamil; studied English - 2nd language So classical side my poem is not good; but new modern style is my poem's try to understand some of my mistakes... if any mistake are take care and write me..! tomorrow i was wrote the poem's today's better... What about am told here now days I am become writing with haiku about in the world And Facebook also that 10000 I write haiku poems I was published now that time at time of the way it was a very good was nice what are the 5 to 7 years the project of I will publish to the haiku. many languages of my Haiku poems about the poems in the language the international Lee that Italy in French Japanese Chinese Turkish and Arabic Sinhala Germany Urdu Russian Siberian Indonesian Tamil Crotian Bosnian Danish Dutch and so many other languages I'm started ' Haiku Art ' Daily Magazine published at 2021 Feb This is the one of my life way achive... I was out and about in my Hiku at in world wide some haiku s where I was posted at the poem hunter also in other languages haiku poems I was published at the same time in my Indian languages in Telugu or Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Asami, Bengali, Gujarati, and more languages my Haiku was publish at and my Indian language of way I was sincerely publish by Tamil languages at books of 7 Haiku books in published that Tamil and English also maybe two books ready to published and Japanese. On the way I'm started' Otteri Selva Kumar' (International Social literature magazine) At February 14 th It was published monthly twice English and multiple language. LIKE books also one of published to ready now at the same time poetry was going for and very nice little helpful and healthy way of at English hip hop rap songs today.... I am writing with singing at a time I want music play with my interest and the songs so many songs and published on the musical websites you go maybe there my songs and watching the about the websites mostly the published the song's musical and videos websites watch to enjoy websites my song will be singing I'm bringing a moving with music my song writing way with Hip Hop rap and alternative rock with Pop What is the way of life? Moving with who with bow with more and more than waves...Art... Yoga... Herbal medicine... Play music... Extra I will go for more published in short stories and novels also I am writing and publishing way of that trying in writing my own writing way.... I'm different type of the Japanese poems of the way also I am try to publish so many poems now days... my life is moving it very well Alternative Medicine way... I am treated free for the 5 lakh people let in acupuncture at the training with yoga for that among 10 lakh people above at simply making at am my own herbal products with 25 above but simply a given for the poor people for free Watch a life I am searching always of the fun fun fun enjoy yourself enjoy with others happy That's all now Thanking you with love day by day otteri selvakumar)

The Best Poem Of Otteri Selvakumar

Love Love Love

Love is not


Love is sex...!

Love is not


Love is money...!

Love is not


Love is dream...!

Love is not


Love is states...!

Love is not


Love is sin....!

Love is not


Love is funney...!

Love is not


Love is religion...!

Love is not


Love is nation...!

Love is not


Love is black....!

Love is not


Love is white...!

What is this....! ?

This is a list of love's


Love is a love

Upper the earth

And under the sky

For any thing with

EVERY thing for love love love

Making each one with love

Love love love...!

Otteri Selvakumar Comments

Terri Turrell 09 November 2009

This Otteri is well liked by many in many poetry forums.. He could go to all one language style and be great, or go all to the other and be great...instead he combines them together to create an endearing new style all his own. well done otti

1 1 Reply
Gan Chennai 30 March 2010

Hi Selva, I read your Biography and was amazed about your Thirst for Poems. These wordings are really from the core of your Heart. You have unique talents. You don't copy anybody's style.. That is what is expected from a poet. Keep it up. Gan, Chennai

1 1 Reply
Sujina Sudhakar 02 February 2012

Hi Sir I read your poems! I think you are a different poet, an instant modern one with no hard rules and regulations''... Though simple in its verse, its thoughtful......! !

1 1 Reply
Otteri Selvakumar 25 December 2012

« back From: Willem VanVoorthuysen (Inverness, FL United States; Male; 92) To: Otteri selvakumarDate Time: 8/19/2005 11: 31: 00 PM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: Re: dear... Dear Ottiri, I have great respect for your courage and ability to wite poetry in a very different language, like English. I am 88 years old and could be your grandfather. Too old to travel to India, but I had many Indian friends, long ago. What is your religion and what language do you speak at home? Do you have a family? I am a widower and have 4 sons and 8 grandchildren in the USA. I am a Christian and therefore will pray to Jesus for you. Willem V.

1 1 Reply
Vuyiswa Vilana 28 July 2005

Hello otteri, You know what? That was so profound! Forthright and positive too-which made me like your piece. Great choice of words and how you put it-aww! keep writting.

0 0 Reply
Otteri Selvakumar 25 December 2012

From: Sally lynn (Burlington United States; Female; 23) To: Otteri selvakumarDate Time: 1/31/2006 6: 31: 00 PM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: Re: Dear... im good how are you? i read some of your poems they are good

3 1 Reply
Otteri Selvakumar 25 December 2012

From: nbila alan (DAMAS; Female; 28) To: Otteri selvakumarDate Time: 1/9/2006 8: 45: 00 AM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: HI AGAIN HOW R U UR A VERY GOOD POET AND IM VERY HAPPY THAT U LIKED MY POEMS I WILL WAIT UR COMMENTS TO EVRY POEM I WRITE THANK YOUUU SEE YOU

2 1 Reply
Otteri Selvakumar 25 December 2012

From: Uriah Hamilton (United States ;) To: Otteri selvakumarDate Time: 11/9/2005 8: 44: 00 AM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: Re: Dear.. I just read your poem kiss, you have written quite a few poems

3 1 Reply
Otteri Selvakumar 25 December 2012

Ramon Amancio Estanque (makati city, manila, philippines Philippines; Male; 27) To: Otteri selvakumarDate Time: 11/10/2005 8: 18: 00 AM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: Re: Re: Re: hai... yes i read your poem. It's so simple but full of myteries and great.....congrats......

2 1 Reply
Otteri Selvakumar 25 December 2012

Max Reif (Walnute Creek United States; Male; 64) To: Otteri selvakumarDate Time: 10/14/2005 10: 15: 00 AM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: Re: Dear friend... Dog is not dog It is a my heart...! ___ EXCELLENT, poetically! !

1 1 Reply

Otteri Selvakumar Quotes

All for here just words so just Be careful to use Your words

what is new? all are old today new tommrow old new just new

水なし ヨガを行うための新しい池 カエル @ Japanese haiku new pond a frog to do yoga without water @ English haiku

老蛋 剛剛打破誕生 新?煎蛋 @ Chinese

一個窗口 開收 舞蹈與空氣 @ Chinese

流浪歌手 高歌一曲 歡迎親愛的上帝...

Life is encounter of cricket your playing some time hit out

प्यार मां का एक और शब्द है माँ प्यार का एक ही शब्द है क्षमा करें प्रिय भगवान...

Image of everyday Dreaming about beautiful About love and live

Yesterday old today new today new tomorrow old.. so always old But New

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