Passionate flower

Passionate flower Poems

I want to tell a secret about me
I fell in love with a ghost who i can't see
I saw him once, his eyes were so deep
I could never forget or let my eyes sleep

What can I say about you now?
I want to describe you but how?
From where should I make the start?
And which is first to be described as part?

Sorrow laid by me all nights along
his tears were flowing all along
He cried all nights and never depart
Cause me pain in my heart

Passionate flower Biography

Iam a graguated student of college of education department of english and i adore literature and love to write from time to time)

The Best Poem Of Passionate flower

****i Am In Love With.....................

I want to tell a secret about me
I fell in love with a ghost who i can't see
I saw him once, his eyes were so deep
I could never forget or let my eyes sleep

He was so gentle, handsome and lovely
That what made me love him so strongly
I felt his kisses and touches were so near
The feelings I felt and had were so rare

When he told me that he must depart
I felt my heart broke down apart
Kiss me goodbye so soft, sweet and tender
What made me insist not to forget ever such kiss so splendor

hope you will like it
regards to all
written by me

Passionate flower Comments

p.a. noushad 01 October 2009

ever enchanting wings of verses

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