Blacks can never love whites
Whites poisoned our hearts
Our children
I sent a couple over Japan
Just to show them that I'm the man
Kim Jong Un with a nuclear plan
I'll kill all westerners just because I can
I’m black
I have no issue with that
You’re white
I have no issue with that
Must have been a massive struggle
For poor Betty and Old Joe
To raise children in numbers you couldn't count
Using all fingers and every toe
Turns out the last light
A Blackout
He told me about the war
Amongst themselves their own fellas
And the grog the jails the police
He did not want to talk about the women
You did not get to meet Arnold,
My wonderful green tree frog,
Befriended him in Queensland I did,
When we shared a sodden log.
Jump stones
Dodge bending fronds
Scented flower stems
Like magic wands
I turned sixty today
Without permission
Whilst my love left so early