Paul Sebastian Poems

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Malaysians Stand Together

Angry floods raged across the land
Homes ravaged, livestock drowned
Displaced people to high land
Without meals, hunger taunted

Youth Today, Leader Tomorrow

Before teenage, life was day to day
Routine school, homework, hours of play
Teenage: less play, more hours of study
Exams, games, reading, hours in the library

Purpose-Driven Life

Think of being alive, instead of being a living dead.
Think of your blessings, not on your sufferings, instead.
Think of living life’s simple joys, instead of life’s woes
Think of living in love, instead of creating many foes

Acrostic (Choice)

Acrostic (CHOICE)

C – Choice, not chance, directs one’s destiny

Limerick 12 (Honesty)

Does honesty always pay?
For sure, crime will never pay!
Best policy's honesty
Your soul and spirit's free

Limerick 13 (Knowledge)

The knowledgeable speak least
Those who know least speak loudest
Knowledge is unlimited
Ignorance's unlimited

Show Me Love

If you love me, show me your love!
Don’t talk of the moon shinning above
Don’t talk of stars, twinkling for us
Don’t send me letters or flowers

Attitude Makes The Difference

Attitude is a state of mind
Rooted in the thoughts you plant
How you perceive, believe and behave
Choosing a positive or negative mind

Marriage Is....

M aking a life-time commitment
A vowing to remain faithful to love
R enewing daily the love vows
R econciling and affirming each other in an


Journey of self-awareness
Can be tearfully painful
As one faces own nakedness
To be real, to be beautiful

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