Paul Sebastian Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Solitary Rose

A gift expression of love
To one who deserves:
A solitary red rose
In a slender glass vase

Breaking Dawn

Dawn gives birth to a new day:
Rushing in a flood of sun rays
Piercing morning mantel of dew,
Lifting new bride’s veil: for full view.

Love Promises, Promises....

If you love me true
These you would do:

If you love me, you would buy me a nice car

I Can

If you think you can't, you can't
If you think you can, you can
If you put limits on yourself
Which are barriers to wealth!

Acrostic S - U - C - C - E - S - S

S - Seek a clearly defined purpose to live
U - Understand, in exchange, what you would give
C - Chart a detailed action plan
C - Can do it, when you believe you can

Coffee Is Waiting

Coffee is waiting
Hot, yet we're sipping
Coffee waits, we're talking
Time's fast passing


S urveys and prepares class lessons
T akes trouble to make extra notes and
U ndertakes responsibility to study,
D oing all his assignments

Love's Intimacy

Oh mirror, mirror on the wall
Break open my guarded seal
Pray tell, who am I, after all?
Stripping masks that conceal

Ode To Friendship

A true friend is a unique treasure
Divinely endowed, in good measure-
More precious than gold or pearls-
Valued throughout the passing years

Live To Love

Give me a chance to live
Live a life to give
I want to know
I want to grow

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