Paula Glynn Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Today's Treasure Is Tomorrow's Trash

Today's treasure is tomorrow's trash
Where we flash our cash
The material world
Adding allure for every boy and girl

The Forgotten Lipstick

The lipstick once vibrant fuchsia
Now left faded and smeared
On those lovely and luscious lips
Lips that spoke romantic words

Apartment Life

I live the apartment life
Where my quiet neighbours
Look through curtained windows
And know all that they can see

Daughter Of The Streets

An 18 year old girl
With eyes wide open
Yearning to see the world
But she is a lonely and lost girl

I'm Glad To Be A Woman

I wouldn't trade places with a man
I wouldn't be able to understand
Even though I may fancy them on nights out
I love my female body I want to shout

Orange Juice

I taste the orange crush,
As the sunshine pours down on me,
I feel the heat of the desert,
Make me melt like ice cream,

Black Magic

Mysterious man practising black magic,
Predicting events,
As surely as the moon rises after sundown,
For black magic is here,

Cleansing Water

Cleanse my skin with holy water,
Let the water wash away all my sins,
As I search within,
For truth and justice,

Melting Like Ice Cream

The summer sun soaks my skin,
Its red rays making me melt like ice cream,
For summer is truly here,
As I taste an entire rainbow of flavour,

The Yarn Weaver

Like a spider's web, she spins yarns,
Telling tales of spies and affairs of the heart,
For she is the village gossip,
And always know what's going on in town,

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