1 In 7 Poem by Mark Heathcote

1 In 7

When something is broken or doesn't work for any of us. Why should we continue paying for it? Why should we pay our taxes to a government that promised to eliminate child poverty only to double it? The same government pledges to support families that work together and stay together as a key central policy, but instead systematically helps break up homes and neglects the vulnerable sleeping rough on our streets that should be safeguarded by a government that'll instruct public sector services to fine and after that source out its debt collection to robbers and thieves who will then happily charge a further 150% or more than the original debt or take your belongings—your house or car; a government that will happily allow rip-off retail contracts, payday loans, and borrowing at interest rates like 1294.9% APR, Representative. Where are their morals? I sadly wish they were like our 'white goods, ' which we could insure or send back without payment. I wish we could give them huge penalty charges and fines for their failures and give them short notice to pay. I'm sorry, Mr Prime Minister, but now we have much more extravagant call-out charges, and our bailiffs need urgently paying today.

1 In 7
A B Faniki 22 September 2019

I wish the elected leader of my country will read the first 6 lines of thiswork and reflect on it.

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