165. Made For Each Other Poem by mamutty CHOLA

165. Made For Each Other

Oh men! you are reflection of universe
Look within to fathom meaning of life
You are the best creation of all creations!

The sculptor carveshis love out of stone
Be a sculptor thyself, liberate your love hidden in rocks

Oh soul why do say my body is a prison
When I have given you shelter for life
Why can't we live in peace together
While together during this sojourn

Oh Moon, oh stars, oh sky we men live to admire your
Eternal beauty.come to think of, but for us, your adoring
Charms would have remained unsung and gone without praise!

Oh saint don't defame wine.she is the truth
If you are with her you would always speak truth.!

Oh men woman is your mirror, don't break her
You would never realise your worth without her!

Don't you know Adam's life was incomplete without Eve
Even in paradise. You both are made for each other.

Oh men! you are reflection of universe
Look within to fathom meaning of life
You are the best creation of all creations!

The sculptor carveshis love out of stone
Be a sculptor thyself, liberate your love hidden in rocks

Oh soul why do say my body is a prison
When I have given you shelter for life
Why can't we live in peace together
While together during this sojourn

Oh Moon, oh stars, oh sky we men live to admire your
Eternal beauty.come to think of, but for us, your adoring
Charms would have remained unsung and gone without praise!

Oh saint don't defame wine.she is the truth
If you are with her you would always speak truth.!

Oh men woman is your mirror, don't break her
You would never realise your worth without her!

Don't you know Adam's life was incomplete without Eve
Even in paradise. You both are made for each other.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: epic
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