17. You Are Life's Spring Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

17. You Are Life's Spring

My streak of hope
Of tied here and now,
My dream of life
Of laid in fulfillment
Is simply you.

You bring me wings
And raise sky high,
You give me visions
Beyond horizons,
Make me worthwhile.

You are my anchor,
You are navigator;
I simply sail along
The width and breadth
On your simple sigh.

No day and night
While you are near,
No pain or pleasure
While you are dear:
All are sheer divine.

I bloom like flower
In your presence,
Soul lights like fire
By your reach,
You are my charm.

You are life’s torch
To find my path,
You are conscience
To guide me forth
To our common place.

You are pleasant limits
Of my mischievous games,
You are vast horizons
Of my joyous spirits,
You are life’s spring.

You are my truth,
No truth beyond you;
You are my worship,
No worship beyond you,
You are my strength.

Deep within my soul,
All around my halo,
Everywhere in-between,
Far beyond my stretch,
You reside in me.

Sky may fast shrink,
Earth, go in flames,
Sun may go dark –
But, you and I forever
Stay tied in arms.

Abdulrazak Aralimatti 19 April 2015

great write. loved reading it.. -c

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