(2.22) Head Hunters Poem by Karl Stuart Kline

Karl Stuart Kline

Karl Stuart Kline

Las Vegas, Nevada - When there was only one saloon in town!

(2.22) Head Hunters

Rating: 2.7

You were my Sunshine,
My one and only charmer
And I was your Quixotic
Knight in rusty armor

So I waxed poetic
Your true lover. tu amor
My life became chaotic
While you discovered more

You tell me you don’t know
What is a handicapper
But now he’s your fiancee’
And maybe quite dapper

If there’s gambling, that’s where
You’ll find his kind of man
With the Mob in the wings
Pulling strings when they can...

They need foreign women
As prostitutes and hookers...
They’ll invest their money
In well paid headhunters

With their expense accounts,
It’s only business
And for Russian virgins
There must be a bonus...

They’re not people, only meat
An honest man can’t compete...
When they lie, steal and cheat
He goes down in defeat....

Brian Jani 07 June 2014

Good work on this one keep it up

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Austen Bradford 21 November 2006

Genius! I am sure of it, I love the twist on the scenerio, well done.

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Karl Stuart Kline

Karl Stuart Kline

Las Vegas, Nevada - When there was only one saloon in town!
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