(1.4) Madness Waits For Me Poem by Karl Stuart Kline

Karl Stuart Kline

Karl Stuart Kline

Las Vegas, Nevada - When there was only one saloon in town!

(1.4) Madness Waits For Me

Rating: 3.0

Somewhere, Madness waits for me...
I know, for I can see it in my dreams.
It's not a pleasant thing to see,
But then sanity is never what it seems...

There are Things that hide and lay in wait...
I know, for I can hold their presence back,
But they won't really show until it's too late
And I am overwhelmed by their attack...

Brian Jani 06 May 2014

well written indeed

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Suzan Gumush 17 August 2008

Well crafted and well thought out. I always believed we are already living in madness! Excellent verse. Give you 10! Best wishes Suzan Gumush

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Melvina Germain 18 November 2006

It's difficult to see what is coming at times, but we must try our best to stay in tune body and mind. Sometimes we quickly enter a dark place and have a difficult time getting back to the light, but we must always do our best to keep ahead of these instant attacks. Excellent poem--Melvina--

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Karl Stuart Kline

Karl Stuart Kline

Las Vegas, Nevada - When there was only one saloon in town!
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