2016 Farewel Poem by Preston Mwiinga

2016 Farewel

Dear Country men and women, Hon members of parliament, the clergy, and friends, to all I say all protocal observed.
I take this opportunity, today the 31st of Decemember 2016 to thank all of you for being what you are to and to mean the world to me.
In 2016 I made some of you happy through my posts which you considered inspirational, to others I was too irratating, to others I motivated and inspired whlst to others I was just a disgrace.
To those I wronged please forgive me, to those to saw me to have pride, please bear with me I will adjust, to those who hate me naturally, I pray for a miracle in your life. To those I inspired, I assure you that I will never be a let down, to those I motivated, I will not end from here becase my happiness in you comrades.
As we crossover to 2017 I seek Gods guidance and protection. I pray that may our wishes be fulfiled in the year twenty seventeen

As I end allow me to say OneLove to you all. I am what I am because of all of you.

Yours with Love

Preston Mwiinga

Saturday, December 31, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: farewell
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