25. Parting Rhymes Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

25. Parting Rhymes

Two souls, minds, hearts, bodies
So longing for each, believe me,
Will never never ever part.

Have trust in God,
Give God time to act;
Kindly do not lose heart,
Do not lose hope;
All will be all right
While time comes right.

Be happy always,
Smiling all days;
God bless you always,
Live well, my Goddess.

You are never never alone in this world
In your grief, sorrows and pains.
(God forbid, never it ever comes to you) .

Kindly remember in your grief,
That there is a soul always with you
In all your grief, sorrows and pains,
Sharing your pain
And every dropp of tears you shed,
And ever willing to die for his Queen;
Kindly, never never ever forget this truth.

I, for any reason, never angry with my Queen,
I know the predicament my lovely Goddess is in.

“Trust me”, cried I, “trust the divine designs,
I swear on my lovely Goddess, destiny shall shine bright;
All fears and tears just meant to deepen our mutual bonds;
Nothing shall stop me from, bonding to my pretty Queen,
And two souls, minds, hearts and bodies, growing into one
In the endless bliss of hug and kiss of dissolving in the other;
This is divine promise, firm assurance; this is divine verdict,
No forces on Earth can ever it stop, and all forces yield to it”.

Further I said,
“I again swear on my Goddess,
Most charming and most wonderful girl
Ever born on this World,
Nothing is there to fear,
Nothing is there to brood,
Only wait and wait, and I wait
Till time dissolves us two to ecstatic One
In the bliss of divine fulfillment”.

My wife, my life, my goddess,
I’m all yours,
Simply yours,
Yours only, always.

I’m incomplete, my Love, without you,
Hell or heaven, my Goddess, you are my all.

While old, ugly and worn out world sets in the west,
Perfect and young golden worlds rise in the east
To worship my Goddess, most perfect and prettiest in all worlds.

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