3 Men Poem by Randy McClave

3 Men

There were 3 men
There was also sin,
And there was one hill
For God's will.
There were 3 crosses
There were three losses,
Three were tried
Three would be crucified.
They were placed on the hill there
Where all would stare,
And watch them all as they cry
And watch them as they die.
One man cursed
One man quoted a verse,
And one man made a promise
Which was proven by Thomas.
One man died unforgiven
One man died forgiven,
And one man died innocent
To God, he was immediately sent.
One man was held my death
One man was released by its breath,
And one man conquered it internal
One man gave life eternal.
One man had lost his life
One man had gained life,
And one man did sacrifice
He ended all strife.

There was 3 men
One man died in his sin,
One man died to sin
And one man died for our sin.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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