49. Timeless Song Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

49. Timeless Song

You know not what you are for me,
How deep and wide you fill my self,
How bright you light my eyes and soul
And what a swell of joy you instill in me.

Across the pall of unending night,
You send happy signs of love and hope
From the sunny land of lustrous light,
Where you sit like god in stoic charm.

While I fill my soul with joyous snug past
To forget the scars inflicted by fate,
You rise from the heaps of time's grey ash
Like medicated fumes to soothe my strains.

I hear all day, your timeless song
That blends sad past with unbound future
In the nature's subtle rhythms and rhymes
That time-to-time must bring us to meet.

No yearning dissolves in time's cauldron,
No beauty gets lost in the love's horizon,
Beauty must discover its self some day
In rhythms of hearts that beat for each.

You are there and I am here,
We do not know how far we are,
What separate hearts that weep for each;
Yet, I hear you, you, definitely me.

Your songs there, move my soul here,
My songs here, move yours, there,
Our songs a'where, live forever,
For, my songs live in you, yours, in me.

When I live in you, and you, in me,
How you and I are here and there?
Love makes here, there, and there, here
And the hearts in love, everywhere.

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