500 Generations Poem by Chan Mongol

500 Generations

April 28,2019

Say, if the average lifetime is just sixty five years for us;

Then, only 31 generations ago we had our most popular Jesus!

Men didn't start to enter into the earth then, through the earth's gate;

500 generations ago, Chinese looking men crossed Bering Strait.

500 generations give us 32500 years with ups and downs of men;

They didn't feel to record things, as the earth was resourceful then.

They had trees, fruits, corns, domestic animals and higher talents;

Thirst for knowledge motivated them to be discoverers, immigrants.

More tales to talk about men in my very simple folklore;

Many people voyaged from African or Sri Lankan shore.

Groups sailed to Australia, around Coral sea, Indian Ocean.

And all native men there, look like Sri Lankan or African.

Five hundred generations ago, they surely had discovery missions;

Greeks and Greek gods were mixed then with men of Arab regions.

Immigration, exploration whatever we call to update our knowledge;

In the human history, kings and prophets failed to record any voyage.

Fairy tales were mixed with hearsay folklore, folktales and stories;

People in those days, had sharp brains with super memories.

500 generations ago, men were capable to ship out or voyage;

Gifted men didn't need papers, computers to archive in those days.

Sunday, April 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: explorer,history
Me Poet Yeps Poet 30 April 2019

very nice imagery as if we all were present then 32500 years ago or today we come and came thru the one and one only channel god man lord we all amen

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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