A Babe In The Night Poem by AFFAQ NABI

A Babe In The Night

Sleep, my cute baby, sleep.
The night is relievingly still and smooth.
I shall bring for you a bouquet,
from the olive fields of youth,
Over the hilltops of the marine lands,
And from the shades of the elm trees.
I shall bring for you the merriest dreams
Girlish, lovely, and comely like the moony beams.

Sleep baby!
Your star gleams like a blossom on a stem.
like a pigeon in his nest.
like a quail, on her cactus beach.
I will bring the plums to you tomorrow.
luscious and sweet, and some for your brother.
Cover up your laughing eyes,
It's time for like-winter weather.
The moon is shimmery, looks like it's newly wed,
May! the sweet smiles of night soar over your head.
The lovely night passed and the blue fox,
also fell asleep beneath the brook.
Like the jasmine in her banquet,
like the blue moth on a lavender twig.
Only some stars are yet labouring over night,
into the fields of their masters.
for tiny lights.

Sleep! my Babe-
The star of your fortune
is gleaming in your eyes.
The night owl is yelling,
We shall have a new baby in our neighbourhood.
From the murmur shell of blue seas:
I will bring you the red ruby.
May your youth be like a summer morning.
My flowering plant, when you bear the fruits,
I might have the blues.
And the moon's shade doesn't sail life long along the river shore,
Mira belly! teachs all the arts and crafts,
She is your torchlight and will be ever more.
Don't spread your hand before any hired pony,
Look how a rose petal lulled in her eye, the butterfly!

My darling bud of dawn,
You've got silver and gold on your head.
Curls are girly, and eyes are pearly.
Your star gleams in the flight of my fancy.
Under the solitudes, darn your thoughts through my memories.
I have brought for you the sweet dream,
from the mussy lawns of fairyland,
Close your almond eye,
I heard the marches of the pagan troops,
They might take you away to unseen places,
Our valley is such a wonder,
It's always under the thunder

Let me kiss your hand. shut your eye, dear my yummy!
I shall play now, the gin rummy
thus relish your sleep daintily,
May my Dias! veil you from the evil pigmy.....

A Babe In The Night
Monday, March 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: baby
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