Love Affair Poem by AFFAQ NABI

Love Affair

Rating: 5.0

The singing stream in a virgin vale patiently
Passing with the myths and mysteries
Of the past, like a mellowed female in grief and glee
Without any hurry, how fair is her clear flow?

Sometimes very swift and then slow, on her shore
Lay the fairies in a row, blowing hues over the
Timber grove, and then giving stir to my sadden soul.
Her visage is as fair as her healer's face.

While she flows through the brook's deep
The moony beams come through the windy
Scenes to kiss her looks
with this daily
Love affair, there is
and tumult on the shore.

Monday, February 25, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: patience
Chinedu Dike 28 March 2020

Well conceived and elegantly brought forth in persuasive poetic expressions. A beautiful work of art. Thanks for sharing, Affaq.

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Rajnish Manga 27 April 2019

You are a truly a poet of nature. Here, the poem presents a moving landscape with an incredible personification. Thanks.

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Dr Antony Theodore 22 April 2019

rose fairy rejoice in crystal blue murmur, Looks so fair as her healers's face, Whilst the singing stream flow Through the brooks deep, Great poetic expressions- thank u dear poet. tony

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Gajanan Mishra 25 February 2019

beauty and tumult in life

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AFFAQ NABI 17 March 2019

Beautiful day to you... DEAR Mr. MISHRA

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